Chapter 3- Night of the Comet (Part 2)

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Elena realizes that she has walked into their house uninvited and begins to try explaining herself. " I...I'm sorry for barging in. The door," she says as she realizes that the door was now closed, not having heard it close like her sister.

"You must be Elena. I'm Damon, Stefan's brother." Damon smirks, knowing Stefan hadn't told Elena about him. It's then that he realizes that Elena isn't alone and it takes everything in him to not gasp again. He keeps his cool, turning his smirk on Jessica before adding, "You, however, I don't know."

"Must suck to not have all the answers, especially being as egotistical as you clearly are," Jessica responds, not liking how he is clearly trying to mess with Stefan and Elena, which angers Jessica, who wants her sister to be happy.

Surprisingly to not only Elena, who is shocked at the rudeness in her sister's voice as she's used to her being blunt but Jessica clearly said this with the intention to upset him, but also Damon, who would normally threaten anyone who said something like that to him, Damon can't help the laugh that escapes his lips. Another smile ghosts Jessica's lips at the sound of his laugh but before Damon can catch it, it's gone. Elena, feeling awkward, tries to change the conversation, "He didn't tell me he had a brother."

"Well, Stefan's not one to brag. Please, come in. I'm sure Stefan will be along any second." This time, it's Jessica who laughs, not being able to ignore Damon's subtle charms, not that she would let him know that. Elena, feeling the tension she doesn't quite understand between her sister and Stefan's brother, walks forward into the living room.

"Wow. This is your living room?" Wonders Elena.

"Living room, parlor, Sotheby's auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste. I see why my brother's so smitten. It's about time. For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him."

"The last one?" Elena wonders, confused, while Jessica rolls her eyes at Damon's antic. She now knew he was trying to screw with their relationship, and he isn't even attempting to disguise that fact. That's when she realizes that Stefan must be able to hear them. That must be why Damon is doing this, he wants to get under Stefan's skin. For some reason, this makes Jessica even angrier. How dare he jeopardize her sisters happiness to screw with his brother?

"Yeah. Katherine, his girlfriend? Oh, you two haven't had the awkward exes conversation yet."

"Nope," responds Elena, wondering why Stefan hadn't told her.

"Oops. Well, I'm sure it'll come up now."

"You mean like you wanted it to?" Questions Jessica. Damon and Elena both turn to her, having briefly forgotten she was there for a minute, well Elena at least. Damon, however, was acutely aware of her presence, he just didn't want her, and more importantly Stefan, to know that. "I mean, that's why you brought it up, isn't it?" She continues playing with a letter opener on one of the end tables. Damon watches her while she recounts her observations to him. "You had to know they wouldn't have talked about their exes yet. They did just meet 3 days ago so they wouldn't have had time to determine if having the ex conversation was worth it. So why bring it up unless you want to cause strife in their relationship which begs the question, what happened between you and your brother to make you so determined to screw up the first relationship he's supposedly had since his previous girlfriend 'nearly destroyed him'?" She wonders, using quotations around his claims.

Elena looks at her sister, shocked that she would say something like that only for her to turn to Damon and see the look of shock, and even grudging respect, on his face after she had so easily seen through his plan. Before he can respond, Jessica opens her mouth once again. "Hello, you must be Stefan, as we are speaking to Damon and you certainly aren't Zach." Both Damon and Elena turn, shocked to see Stefan standing there.

Damon can't help wondering how he was so consumed with Jessica that he didn't feel Stefan's presence, it scares him but at the same time thrills him. He shakes the thought off before it gets too far. He's here to free Katherine, after all. He can't get distracted. This wasn't his Jessica anyway. Yet he can't help but be attracted to not only her clearly natural beauty but also her sass and 'Give 'em Hell' attitude.

Jessica walks over to Stefan and holds out her hand. At first, he doesn't even look at her, too focused on glaring at Damon who didn't listen when he told him to stay away from Elena. Before too long, he grips her hand, shaking it, before looking at her. Once he does, he's shocked, but quickly hides it. She looks so much like Jessica but she can't be, Jessica should be dead and this girl is so clearly human. "I'm Jessica Gilbert, Elena's sister." She says and he has to hold in the surprised gasp that her name is also Jessica.

He shakes it off before answering in a shocked voice that everyone, but Elena, seems to pick up on, "Stefan Salvatore, but I guess you already knew that." He clears his throat before saying he didn't realize the sisters were coming. Elena, having backed out of her plan now that his brother was here, explains that she wanted him to meet her sister, who just arrived back in town.

"I know, I should've called." She says.

"Oh, don't be silly. You're welcome any time. Isn't she, Stefan? You know, I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But...I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker." Damon answers in an almost dazed voice as he glances at Jessica.

"Thank you two for stopping by. Nice meeting you, Jessica."

"You too, I guess," answers Jessica before grabbing Elena's hand and leading her out of the boarding house.


While her sister and friends go to watch the comet, Jessica stays home with Jenna, not really wanted to watch the doomed comet fly above. Astrology just never interested Jessica. She walks out of her room to grab some food when she hears a noise coming from Jeremy's room. "Jer I thought you left to go watch the comet," she states as she enters, only to see Jenna jump like she is stealing alcohol from her parents' liquor cabinet and had been caught. She looks to the bed and sees a bong on it, confusing her. "Jenna are you trying to steal Jer's weed while he's not home because I feel like there's an easier way to get pot."

"No, I'm looking for weed because according to Jeremy's history teacher, I'm a bad guardian. But what can I say, I don't have the practice like Miranda or the natural instincts like Jessica." She answers while continuing to look.

Jessica laughs. "Ah, you got Tannered. It happens to pretty much everyone. If it makes you feel better, I'll throw it back in his face tomorrow."

She pauses. "Actually, that does make me feel better." She goes back to searching and Jessica goes to respond when Jenna suddenly stops, turning to Jessica before rushing over to her and giving her a hug. "Oh my goodness, when did you get back?" She asks, practically in tears.

"Earlier today. I hung out with Elena for the day, but you know, comets, not really my thing, so I decided to sit it out. I'm a bit jetlagged so I was gonna get some sleep, try and get my schedule right for school, so good luck on your weed quest and remember, teenage boy and teenage girl, not that different when it comes to hiding spaces." Jessica leaves and Jenna goes back to looking. It isn't until later that night while talking to Elena that she realizes what she meant and starts looking where she would hide things, making it a lot easier.


After all the chaos of the day, and seeing her stranger from the grill only to see him disappear again, Caroline walks to her car. In the shadows, Damon smirks, seeing his chance to get a new plaything, when a voice stops him. "I wouldn't if I were you." He turns but doesn't see anyone. The voice sounds familiar but he can't place it.

"Oh really? And why not?" He asks cockily.

"Because she's my best friend and I'm not about to let her become a vampire's little toy." Jessica steps out of the shadows and Damon is shocked. She knew? Does this mean Elena does too? "Relax, I'm not gonna kill you, so long as you don't give me a reason to. Going after Caroline, that would give me a reason so I suggest you stay away." She finishes before turning back around to head home, somehow knowing Damon would listen. Meanwhile, Damon stands, shocked at the information he's gotten, and finds himself turning around and leaving the blonde alone, not truly knowing why he did it.

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