Chapter 7- Founder's Party

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Tonight is the Founder's Party. I actually love the Founder's Day celebrations, even if they didn't actually find the town. Stefan is taking Elena, who was supposed to go with Bonnie so Bonnie is now going with Caroline, who says I can't go with them because I "need to ask out that sexy Salvatore that is definitely into me" so I'm going alone. I could've asked Matt or Tyler but Jeremy said Tyler asked Vicki and I don't think Matt wants to watch Tyler's parents treat Vicki like shit.

They think that she's no good because she does drugs and it probably doesn't help that Tyler and I have always been close so Carol and Richard are convinced that we are gonna get married someday. The only thing I'm not looking forward to tonight is the council meeting. The Lockwoods are running it until I turn 18 because it's my birthright apparently but if anyone asks I'm the chairperson of the Founder's council which just means that I organize all the Founder's Day events, which is probably why I like them so much. According to Carol, Elena didn't send over the stupid compass thing disguised as a pocket watch but I know she'll give it to Jeremy and it's supposed to be his so I'll just let Logan get it, that is if Jenna will give him the time of day.

I'm currently standing in front of my mirror in my black cocktail dress putting in some earings when I hear the doorbell. I walk downstairs and answer it to see Stefan standing out there. "Well you clean up nice Mr. Salvatore," I joke.

He chuckles. "Is your sister here?"

"No, she decided to ditch you for a far more mysterious hottie that looks even better in a tux. I think it was one of the Hemsworths actually," I say as Elena walks up behind me.

"I wish I could say I wouldn't ditch you for one of the Hemsworth brothers, Stefan, but I think I might." Elena jokes as well.

"Oh, I would completely understand that," he responds. I laugh before stepping out of the way to allow Elena out.

"I gave it to Jeremy, you were right," she whispers on her way out. While I'm glad she gave it to him, what I actually said was she should ask him but whatever. Progress, I guess.

I end up going to the party with Jenna, saying I'll find my own way home. I find Caroline and spend most of the time talking to her until I go to get a drink and see Logan trying to work his charm on Jenna. I hear her shoot him down and laugh a little too loudly. He glares at me and approaches me once Jenna leaves. "You know, maybe if you would've done your part, I wouldn't have to talk up Jenna." I chug the glass of champagne I'm holding before turning to him.

"It was Carol's job to get the watch Logan and you could just as easily break into my house to get it. You're flirting with Jenna because you still have a thing for her but were too stupid to see how good you had it with her and cheated on her. So good luck Logan, because I thoroughly enjoy watching her tell you to go fuck yourself," I finish with a smirk before going to find Caroline. 

I walk into the study with all the historical artifacts people donated in it. I see Elena and go to ask if she has seen Caroline. As I get close, I hear Damon say, "My therapist says I'm...Acting out, trying to punish Stefan." I actually snort at the one.

"Yeah aright, you're far too narcissistic to see a therapist. You do realize that the first step of therapy is admitting that there's something wrong, right?"

"I'll have you know I do see a therapist."

"Really? What's their name?"

"His name is umm, uh..."

"Wow, is that Dr. Umm, Uh? How can I sign up?" I ask in a mocking tone. He shoots me a glare, which I ignore and turn to Elena. "Have you seen Care? I went to get a drink but got distracted and now I can't find her."

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