Chapter 34- Saving Elena

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I don't know how long I waited for Elijah to wake up, I just remember that at some point, I fell asleep and his gasp of life woke me up. He sees me and I give him an irritated look. "God, you take a long time to wake up and then you wake up at the most inconvenient time. I was finally sleeping, you ass," I scold him as he looks at me taken aback, whether at my presence or the way I was speaking to him, I'm not sure.

I stand up, stretching, and watch his eyes zone in on my stomach, which my shirt revealed when I lifted my arms. I cough to get his attention, which works as his eyes go towards my eyes, only to stop to stare at my breasts that he has a good view of thanks to the low cut tank top. He seems to realize what he's doing and quickly moves his eyes to meet mine and even looks to be blushing, odd for a vampire.

"What are you doing here?" He questions.

"Oh, you know, I figured I might as well get the body of the vampire off the wall so that when the forclosure people come to take the house, which, let's be honest, is probably gonna happen soon, they don't have a heart attack," I tell him sarcastically, approaching him before I hold out my wrist. "Here, you look a little pale." He hesitates, looking from my wrist to my face and back several times before I sigh. "Look, your not gonna get any blood staring at it, drink," I command and he instantly bites into my wrist.

Once he has enough, he lets go, looking at me. "You never answered why you are truly here," he points out, taking the handkerchief out of his pocket and wiping his mouth before handing it to me to hold over my wrist only to see me heal it with magic. "You're a witch," he states, making me look at him with a smirk.

"Really, thanks, I didn't know," I say sarcastically and see him smile slightly before frowning so I sigh and decide to answer his question. "You're an Original meaning you can only be put down with a special dagger dipped in white oak ash, which we don't have, or a white oak stake, something we also don't have, meaning you weren't actually dead, a fact I was acutely aware of. I came back because I love Damon, even if he is an idiot. He thinks he killed you because, to him and his brother, the Originals are just myths. I know better. I came to help you and ensure that you don't hurt the people I care about," I inform him calmly.

He scrutinizes me for a while before responding. "What makes you think you being here will influence who I hurt?" He asks, trying to seem imposing and only succeeding in making me lose my temper. I throw him against the wall, holding him there and think about him losing air, making him begin to gasp for breath. I then think about him dying and as soon as I see fear flash across his face, I let him go.

"I didn't intend for my presence to have any effect, this was merely a formality. Let's get one thing clear, you may be an Original and I may not be able to kill you now, but I am a very persistent person and I won't stop until I find a way to put you down," I spit out. "Do we understand each other?" I ask and he nods, making a bright smile overtake my face. "Great! Do you need a ride somewhere, wherever you're staying?" I ask politely but he just looks at me as though I am insane. "What?"

"You are a very peculiar person, Jessica.." he trails off, not knowing my last name.

"Gilbert, Jessica Gilbert," I tell him.

"Jessica Gilbert," he says as though seeing how the name tastes on his tongue. "Well, Ms. Gilbert, I have a car of my own. Thank you for your assistance and I won't hurt your friends for hurting me," he tells me. I nod and walk to my car, driving home and knowing that he intends to lure Klaus using Elena and he never promised not to hurt my friends, he simply said he wouldn't do it because they hurt him.


The next day, Elena and I head to the Salvatore house, having been told that something was life or death. When we arrive, Damon tells Lena Stefan is in the living room so she leaves and I go to follow but Damon stops me, pulling me into a kiss. The kiss quickly turns heated and I have to pull away. "I thought you said there was something important to talk about."

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