Chapter 39- The Return of Isabelle

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It's been a crazy day. Apparently, the night of the dinner party, Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy kidnapped one of Elijah's warlocks and discovered that Elijah was going to sacrifice Elena, which is why Damon daggered him to protect her for Stefan and me. As a result, the warlock's father, Jonas, took Bonnie's powers. Jonas then sent his son to undagger Elijah using magic but Damon, who had been trying to burn Elijah's body, burned the warlock instead.

Jonas then went to the grill looking for Elena and attacked Matt, who had just made up with Caroline and she helped him and told him she was a vampire. She also told him about Vicki so Matt left. Sheriff Forbes is looking for him, hoping she can talk some sense into Matt and protect her daughter but I said that Matt deserves to know. Then, Jonas showed up at our house trying to kill Elena but I used magic to kill him and right before he died he gave Bonnie her magic back with Elijah's plan to kill Klaus.

Now, Elena and I are sitting in our kitchen with Jenna eating ice cream to forget our problems. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, making us all share a look before Jenna goes to answer it. I finish my spoonful of ice cream and walk out in time to hear Isabelle say, "I'm... Elena and Jessica's mother."

Elena and I both gasp before Elena says, "Isabelle." Making her focus her attention on Elena.

"Hello, Elena. It's nice to see you again," she says, making me roll my eyes and Jenna whip towards Elena.

"Again?" Jenna asks. "Jessica, did you know she was alive?"

I go to answer yes and tell her everything, saying that I thought she should know anyway but Ric and Elena voted no, when Isabelle answers for me. "No, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting my other daughter," she lies, confusing me and Elena before she turns to Jenna. "So you're the woman who's dating my husband. I need to speak to Elena. May I come in?"

"No, you can't, sorry," I answer before slamming the door in her face.

Jenna looks close to tears looking at Lena. "You knew she was still alive? Ric? John? Did they know?" Jenna asks.

"I can explain everything," Elena attempts but Jenna shakes her head, running up the stairs to her room.

"Well that went well," I say sarcastically, causing Elena to shoot me a dirty look. "What? I said we should tell her when Ric told us John was threatening him. You guys said no," I remind her. "Well, I'm gonna head to Damon's house because I can't stand John and if Isabelle is here I don't want to have to deal with them both," I state before heading upstairs to get my suitcase that is now empty after my stay at Caroline's before going to the Salvatore boarding house.


The next morning, I wake up next to my loving boyfriend. I smile at him before walking to take a shower. I'm not in there long before Damon joins me. He kisses me before telling me about Bonnie's plan to absorb the witches' power to kill Klaus and asks me where the witch massacre sight was. I tell him, knowing that Bonnie won't need to use the power to kill Klaus. Suddenly, my phone chimes with a message from Jenna saying that she needs me to collect a check for the historical society because she was going to stay on campus for a few days and I can't help but feel slightly glad she did because this world isn't safe if you don't know about it.

As soon as I go back to showering, I get a call from Elena. I put it on speaker, making Damon groan. "Elena, if you're telling me that Jenna is staying on campus, I already know, she texted."

"No, that's not it," Elena says.

"Okay well I'm in the shower so can you hurry up," I tell her and Damon decides to play a game of getting me to moan while on the phone. Elena tells me that John invited Isabelle in and she says she needs to talk to both of us. "Why? Apparently I wasn't even memorable enough to remember meeting," I sass as Damon growls, angry that he is losing his game.

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