Chapter 8- Sweet 17

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I've decided that I hate Damon Salvatore. First, he uses Caroline to not only give him information about me for whatever reason but also to steal some hideous crystal to get his true love Katherine out, information I got because I've been having dreams about it since I touched the crystal. The funny thing is, Katherine isn't even in the tomb and Damon is going through all this trouble to get all the ingredients which I find hilarious.

Anyway, I also hate Damon because he kept trying to get in between Stefan and Elena, something that seems to have worked because Stefan left Elena a cryptic message saying he had something to do and would tell her in a few days which was two days ago and he has yet to explain or contact her again. Next, he just completely disappears so I can't even kill him for hurting Caroline but the reason that I hate him more than anything is because I can't stop thinking about him. I feel like something is wrong and I have a nagging feeling it's why Stefan has disappeared which I should be happy about because I want Damon punished. But if that's true, then why do I feel so worried?

I'm interrupted from my thought by my door bursting open and Caroline yelling "Happy Birthday!!" At the top of her lungs. I turn toward the door to see her holding three different bags and a slice of lemon pound cake with a venti caramel frappuccino from Starbucks. Soon, Jenna, Jeremy and Elena bust in the room assuming there is an intruder in the house since it's 7 am, only to find out it's Caroline

"Caroline, what are you doing here?" Asks Jenna tiredly.

Caroline walks over to my curtains, throwing them open before answering. "I'm here celebrating my best friend's birthday with her."

"Oh my God, I completely forgot it was your birthday, Jess. You and Elena are so close I sometimes forget you're not twins," Jenna says guiltily. I throw off my covers and give her a hug.

"It's fine, Jen, you're here taking care of three kids that aren't even yours and you saved us from being raised by John and we all know that's the best present anyone can get," I joke and she laughs, agreeing. Jeremy and Elena disappear before returning with a gift from each of them. Elena got me a pretty necklace with a J on it and Jeremy gave me a framed picture that he drew of the two of us. Elena and Jenna look at it shocked because as far as they know, Jeremy hasn't drawn since the accident. "Thank you guys, I love it."

"Yeah, it's great, now everyone out. Jessica has to shower and then we have a birthday breakfast at the grill that you are welcome to come to," Caroline tells them. They all leave as Care ushers them out before ushering me into the en suite.


After breakfast at the grill, that shockingly was only Care, Bonnie, Matt, and Tyler plus my family rather than the party it usually is, but it turns out that the reason for that is because Tyler's throwing me a birthday party at his house tonight, we all head back home to the Gilbert house. Care keeps asking what I want to do until the party and I keep saying I don't want a party, when Jenna pulls into our driveway next to a brand new blue 2020 Aston Martin DBS which oddly isn't the most shocking thing happening at the Gilbert house. The yard looks like every boutique in Europe threw up the most expensive outfits and dresses on it. There's a FedEx guy at our door looking for someone to sign for everything. I get out of the car and follow Jenna to the door.

"Hi, can I help you?" She asks in a dazed voice.

"Are you Jessica Gilbert?" He asks, pausing to look at his sheet to make sure the name is right.

"That would be me," I say with a small wave.

"Great, sign here for your delivery," he tells me handing me the clipboard.

"Right, but I didn't order anything. I can't even afford this stuff."

"Well it's been paid for, shipping and all. I think I saw a card on something..." he trails off looking around before seeing a fancy looking envelope. He picks it up and hands it to me. I hand the clipboard to Caroline, knowing the guy isn't waiting on me since they are still unloading clothes. I open the envelope and what I see shocks me.

Jessica, I was thinking about you the other day and then I remember that your birthday was coming up so I figured I should make it a memorable one. I hope I got the clothing choices right but after eight months together, I believe I've figured out your style. I also remembered you saying that deathtrap you call a car was done for so on your favorite dress from your favorite boutique you'll find the keys to your new car. Happy Birthday and Thank you for everything. ~Yours Always N.M.

In a daze, I hand Caroline the letter and move over to the crate with the name of my favorite boutique in Paris on it. I ask one of the movers to open it and he obliges. I find the dress that I would stop by the shop to admire almost every day I was in Paris, a beautiful, golden, knee-length, strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline. I turn it over and sure enough, there are two sets of keys fastened with a safety pin with a note saying I know you well, don't I? Enjoy. Still in my daze, I click the unlock button on the key fob and hear the car make a noise.

Everyone, besides the movers, turns to look at the car and then back at the keys in my hand in shock. Suddenly, Caroline breaks the silence saying, "Who is N.M. and where are you going to put all these clothes?" Her voice brings me back and I walk over signing for the delivery. The guy gives me a slight head nod in thanks before helping get the rest of the clothes out of the truck.

"N.M. is a guy named Nik that I met in Spain last year. He texted me the other day and I told him about my car so he bought me another one. As for the clothes," I turn to her, knowing the question I'm about to ask will get a resounding yes. "Can I keep some at your house?"

"Only if I can borrow some whenever I want."

"Care, you would do that even if you said no."

"Good point. Let's get this inside and I'll choose the ones that go to my house.


After a few hours of stuffing clothes in my closet and then barely managing to fit the rest into the closet of Caroline, who was more than willing to get rid of her old wardrobe to accommodate, we got ready in our new clothes and took my new car to the Lockwood house. As we pull up, everyone turns to stare at the expensive car. "Holy shit, Jess, did you rob a bank or something?" Matt asks, admiring the car.

"It was a birthday gift," I answer

"From who, a movie star?" Asks Tyler, who's come to stand by his best friend.

"Nope, some guy named Nick she met in Spain," Caroline says, enjoying the reaction. "He bought her a whole bunch of clothes too. So many that she had to put most of them in my closet. He's rich."

"Thank you, Caroline. Look, it's my birthday, you know the rules Lockwood, Donovan," I say, turning to each separately. "As soon as I arrive, I am to have birthday shots in my hand immediately. Come on guys, I was still here on my birthday last year." They both hand me the shots that they had waiting and I down them both in record time. I spend the rest of my birthday hanging out with my best friends, enjoying my birthday but for some reason, I keep thinking about Damon and that night, I fall asleep thinking of his icy blue eyes and wondering if he's okay.

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