Chapter 17- Unpleasantville

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Apparently, yesterday was a busy day for everyone. Elena went to Georgia with Damon, who went to visit an old friend which he said called him and said she needed to talk. He said he found Elena after she got into an accident and told me to keep the compass close because the vampire that turned Logan is still in town. Jeremy met some girl at the library that he seems to like but says she's kinda weird but hot. I told him hot trumps weird and he should go for it.

Jenna spent most of the day worrying about Elena, which got resolved with Elena being pissed at Jenna for not telling her she was adopted. She forgave me because I promised I wouldn't tell and she knows I don't break promises. Bonnie fell into a hole and Stefan found her, inadvertently finding where the tomb is. Bonnie also lost her magic for a while but she has it back now.

As for me, I spent most of the day at the grill with Alaric, who told me about Isabelle, most of which I knew and once he figured this out, he started telling me about himself. He seems like a nice guy. I wouldn't tell him but I got a couple of glimpses of him the night I met him so I know he has a kind of violent past, but it seemed like the guys deserved it. I completely approve of him and Jenna. I offered to help him with the vampire-slaying so long as he keeps Stefan and Damon out of it, which he agreed until, after I left the grill last night, he met Damon and knows he is the vampire that turned Isabelle. It took some time, but he promised to leave him alone.

Tonight is the 50s dance and Alaric invited Jenna to chaperone with him. Jeremy is going to serve drinks for extra credit from some teacher and I'm going because I organized it and Damon agreed to be my date. I gave Elena the compass because the vamp she hit is like, stalking her, and now he's been invited in because he posed as a pizza delivery guy and Jer invited him in. Damon thinks he'll go after Lena at the dance which means we are planning to kill him. I gave Damon my stake because with my outfit, I had nowhere to put it. (outfit above)

Elena and the Salvatore brothers walk in together, as Caroline had picked me up and I made Damon keep an eye on my sister, telling him I would meet him here and he could take me home. Upon seeing the three of them, Caroline, Bonnie, and I walk over to Elena. "So what is this, like, a threesome now, you and the Salvatore brothers?"

"Umm hello, I already told you both Damon was coming as my date. Speaking of, I'm going to dance with my boyfriend." I say in a kind of shitty tone. For some reason, the thought of Elena and Damon being together upset me, but I push it away knowing that Elena doesn't like him and vise-versa. I approach Damon, who looks pretty good in his 50s outfit. "Hey, stud," I joke. "Wanna dance?" He grins at me before dragging me out onto the dance floor. We dance for what feels like an hour before he goes to talk to his brother. While he does that, I spot Alaric standing by himself watching the teenagers dance.

I walk up to him and he smiles at me. "You look very nice, Jessica."

"Thanks, Mr. S," I smile.

"I already told you to call me Ric."

"It feels kinda weird at school but I'll think about it. You know, you're not a very good chaperone," I inform him. He looks at me confused so I continue. "Tyler spiked the punch like half an hour ago and you didn't even notice, but, to be fair, Jeremy's serving it and he didn't notice either so." We both laugh before he turns to me with a serious look on his face.

"Speaking of Jeremy, he turned in the extra credit paper I gave him," he tells me.

"What did he get?" I ask eagerly.

"An A but," he starts but I cut him off.

"That's great! How much does it bring up his grade? I'll tutor him if you let him retake the quizzes he failed," I inform him, planning how I can help Jer get his life back on track.

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