Chapter 22- Jessica the Vampire Slayer

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I was at home showering and changing after I got attacked by some tomb vampires in the woods about to call Damon, when I got a text. Nikki😜- How're things there? Everything handled with your boyfriend?

I roll my eyes at the text before replying. JG- You ask that as though you aren't stalking me. I know you are in town, or at least near it, and he's not my boyfriend.

Nikki😜- I'm just looking out for you, Jessica. And are you sure he isn't your boyfriend because he seems like it?

JG- Screw you, and I can take care of myself.

Nikki😜-Did you think about my offer?

JG- He says he doesn't care about her anymore, but I'm worried if I do this, it'll hurt him, so I can't. I'll text if I change my mind.

Nikki😜- Got it. I look at his message until a new one pops up on my screen.

Ric- Daman and Elena want to meet me at the school. I guess Stefan got taken by vampires that Damon pissed off. Figured we could use your help. Damon said no but I think he's an idiot. I look at Ric's message before deciding that I should probably help, seeing as I killed three of those tomb vamps that attacked me and they're probably the ones that took Stefan.

Jessica- Sounds like fun. Omw. I tell him before I head to my car. When I get to the school, it's raining so I grab my umbrella and stroll to the school. I head to Ric's classroom, only to hear him talking with Damon and Elena. "But your life is valuable. Yours, on the other hand is..." I hear Damon say, presumably to Alaric.

"You wouldn't let me die. Jessica would hate you. Besides, I called for back up."

"You called for back up?" Damon bites out angrily.

"Yeah, I figured if we were storming a house full of angry vampires we could use an experienced hunter that might manage to get us out of this safely."

"Did it never cross your idiotic human brain that I am a vampire and this hunter might try and kill me?" Damon asks, stalking towards Ric, making me make my presence known.

"Actually, he did," I say, walking into the classroom. "Which is why he called me. Valient effort trying to keep me away from all this. Kind of a dick move B.T.Dubs," I tell him.

"How do you know I wanted you to stay out of this? Maybe it was your sister," he says, matter of factly.

"Ric texted me you wanted me to stay out of it," I tell him, looking at him like he's an idiot, which he kind of is but my idiot, I think before remembering what Nikki said about him being my boyfriend so I shake it off. "Anyway, I figured I owed the help since I may have pissed the tomb vampires off even more."

"What do you mean?" Questions Elena.

"Well, I went to visit Day this morning and he told me about the vamp they killed and I figured they took Stef for revenge because about three of them tried to take me while I walked through the woods, but you know me, I can't let anyone think they're better than me so I killed them. Probably pissing the others off more."

All three of them look at me in shock before Ric speaks. "You killed three vampires by yourself? At once?" He asks incredulously.

"No, they took turns. Of course it was at once. I've been training for this since I was five. I was trained to kill vampires and run the council."

"If that's true, then why didn't you kill me the first time we met?" Damon wonders curiously.

"I was going to, had the stake out and everything, but I saw how you were standing talking to Lena and realized you weren't a threat. In case you haven't noticed, I don't really listen so I never really bought that whole every vamp is evil spiel. I actually have some really cool vampire friends in New Orleans so when I determined you weren't a threat, I let you live." He nods his head, accepting the answer, before turning back to the other two.

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