Chapter 43- The Sun Also Rises

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3rd Person P.O.V.

As Jessica and Klaus head to The Big Easy, Jessica's friends and family scramble to figure out where the sacrifice is going to happen. Damon finally suggests Ric's apartment so he, along with Elena, Ric, Stefan, and Elijah head there, hoping to maybe catch Jessica and stop the sacrifice. When they arrive, Damon walks inside, having already been invited in earlier that day when he went to find the location of Caroline and Tyler. Alaric invites the other two vampires in as Damon begins talking to Katherine. "Well, Kitty Kat, it looks like you owe me another favor," he tells her.

She laughs. "I told you where he was keeping his werewolf and vampire," Katherine tells him and Damon smirks.

"No, you didn't. You told us where his distraction was, meaning you still owe, now pay up. Where are they doing this thing?" He demands.

Katherine looks scared. "Damon, you guys can't stop this thing," she tells him, worried about him, which is when she realizes something is off. As she begins to try and figure it out, Damon keeps talking.

"Look, we can handle Klaus and once we kill him, you won't have to worry about him," he tells her as Katherine figures out what's wrong.

"You can't kill Klaus. I don't know what Jessica is but she's strong and her blood is even stronger. When Klaus kills her, nothing will be able to kill him, not even your little all-powerful witch, it's why Jessica was so angry he went after the little Bennett because she knew she wasn't a threat. Besides, if you do stop this, it isn't Klaus you need to be worried about," she tells them.

"Jessica would never hurt us," Elena claims.

"Right, because she's so trustworthy right now?" The older doppelgänger taunts. "You didn't see them together. Klaus would do anything for her. He offered to wait to do the sacrifice just so you guys wouldn't be angry at her." She turns to Elijah. "You remember when Klaus was planning on using me, don't you?" Elijah nods. "He never cared about me the way he cares for her. Not even close. If she said jump, he would ask how high and anyone who can wrap Klaus around their finger terrifies me, and it should terrify all of you too if you were smart."

"Well, maybe we aren't, now where's it going down, Katherine?" Damon snaps.

"If you do this, all of you will die, Damon. Of course, you probably don't care since you're already dying but I'd prefer not to lose Stefan," Katherine snarks, trying to cover up her distress that Damon is dying because even though she claims not to, she did love him, once upon a time, and it hurt to learn that he never really loved her as much as he seemed to.

"Look, we can find her. Mystic Falls isn't that big, they have to be here somewhere right?" Stefan asks. "Jessica said that the sacrifice had to take place at the birthplace of the doppelgänger, so we know where she is," Stefan says, making Damon, Elena, and Alaric realize that they had been looking for her in all the wrong places.

"Except she wasn't born in Mystic Falls," Damon begins and Ric finishes.

"She was born in New Orleans," he tells them and realization hits Elijah.

"If the sacrifice is happening in New Orleans, I know where it will be. My family lived there for a great deal of time. I know where he will go," he tells them and they nod. Alaric agrees to stay in Mystic Falls to find Jeremy and Bonnie to tell them the news, taking Jessica's letters with him, just in case. Everyone else vamp-speeds to New Orleans, with Stefan taking Elena, in hopes of arriving in time to stop the sacrifice.

Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Klaus leads Jessica to the field of an old plantation house where he had met Marcellus, a man who he loved like his own son until the time of his supposed death by Mikeal's hand, where the sacrifice will take place. He leads her over to the area when Jessica catches sight of a familiar Strawberry blonde head. "Jenna," she screams, running over to her, confusing Klaus, until she turns up to look at him with fury in his eyes. "What the hell did you do, Klaus? You turned her," she asks angrily as Jenna watches the two, confused about why she is here and who the man is with Jessica, as well as where she is.

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