Chapter 33- Kidnapped

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I've never been knocked out before. I have magic, I've always used it, but I guess with all the supernaturals we've been dealing with, I completely forgot that humans can be threats too. I hate getting knocked out. I've decided that it will never happen again. For the first few moments of being knocked out, there was black and then the flashes came. Flashes of Katherine's life, her family, her giving birth, her meeting Klaus and Elijah, Elijah falling for her and betraying Klaus to save her, tricking Rose into turning her, everything. But it wasn't just her life I saw. I saw Nik's and Damon's, from beginning to end, and my mind had just conjured Stefan's when I finally heard Elena whispering my name, allowing me to escape my mind by following the sound.

When I open my eyes, I see we are in a dusty house that is falling apart, but what catches my attention most is the red welt on Elena's face. I quickly grab her face, examining it. "Who hurt you? Was it the person who kidnapped us? Because he has a serious ass-kicking coming his way. Do you know what I saw? Flashes of people's lives. Katherine's and Damon's and Stefan's," I tell her, shivering before focusing on her face again. As I focus on the welt, it begins to heal, turning back to its natural skin tone.

"How did you...?" Elena trails off, remembering I'm a witch. "Right," she says as I hear two people talking upstairs. I motion for Elena to be quiet before heading up the stairs. I see the door and head towards it, carefully stepping so as not to make the old floor squeak. I hear the two, vampires I'm assuming due to the lack of sunlight in this hell hole, talking about Elijah. I pause to see if I can hear anything about him. I've never met the man, I've just seen him through Katherine and Nik's memories. I don't get to hear anything, however, because my abrupt stop makes Elena lose her balance, hitting a board that squeaks.

A pretty woman with a pixie cut walks out seeing us. "You two. There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?" She tells us.

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asks.

"Your worst nightmare," the woman answers at the same time I answer, "An Original." The woman looks at me impressed as I turn to her and the man who has joined us. "Now which one of you knocked me out?" I ask.

I don't get an answer, however, as both of them take in my appearance, gasping, "Jessica," making me roll my eyes.

"Yes, that is my name but I don't know either of you, now who hit my sister?" I ask, hoping they will answer this question.

"Your sister?" The woman asks confused and I sign heavily.

"Yes, Elena Gilbert, my sister," I tell her, motioning to Elena. "Or did you kidnap her thinking she was Katherine?" I wonder, beginning to think these two are idiots.

"Sorry, Gorgeous," the man begins. "You look like someone we used to know and we didn't kidnap you, someone else did because you were with your sister," he tells me, making me nod.

"Right, well, couldn't you have taken us somewhere more," I look around me before looking back at them. "Clean?" I finish.

"Relax, I'm sure Elijah will want you too so you won't be here long," the woman tells me.

"Great," I say, walking back to the room Elena and I previously exited. "That was on my Saturday to-do list. Get taken against my will by the Noble Original. Guess I can almost check it off," I snark, making the man laugh and say he likes me before walking off to another room with the woman following. I go sit on the couch and Elena follows. We sit in silence before Elena gets up, having questions for the woman. I leave her to it before figuring she'll end up pissing the vampire off.

"What do you mean the Originals?" Elena asks.

"Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatores been teaching you your vampire history?" The woman asks.

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