Chapter 10- Lost Girls

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Damon's P.O.V.

After Jessica left, I couldn't stop thinking about her. What made Jessica Gilbert tick? She was strong, independent, sassy, but most importantly, she was brilliant. I wasn't sure how smart she was but I don't think many people were. While I waited for the sun to go down, I thought back to what Caroline had told me, not just about Jessica but about Elena. How they were close but Elena was slightly jealous of Jessica because she was good at everything. Yet the one thing I couldn't stop doing was comparing just how similar Jessica Gilbert was to my Jessica. My Jessica, that made me fall in love with her then left while I went off to war. Before I can get sucked into a memory, I force myself to think about the Gilbert girl. No sense thinking about those long since dead, especially since I'm in love with Katherine now and once I figure out what Caroline, who undoubtedly found my crystal after Stefan took me, had done with the crystal that binds the tomb shut, I would get her back.

I think about what I've learned about Jessica. She's perceptive, that's for sure. Definitely more so than Elena. I doubt that much gets past Jessica, who I get the feeling notices details that not even vampires with their heightened abilities notice. I also think about her threat. Why is it so important that nobody knows about her? She has to know that her friend Bonnie is a witch if her mother was one so why not just tell her? At least she would have someone to talk to.

That's when I realize, she's had her whole life to tell them and yet she just met me, I didn't even think she liked me, but she told me and not them. I can't stop the feeling of pleasure coursing through me as I think about that. I quickly shake it off, however, knowing that I shouldn't care what Jessica thinks because I'm going to free Katherine and we are going to leave and I'll probably never see Jessica Gilbert again.


The sun went down and I found a bunch of stoners. They don't seem like Jessica's crowd so I figured she wouldn't care and then wondered why I cared what she thought. I shrugged it off, trying to convince myself I was worried she'd follow through on her threat. I burned the bodies and went to get the last one, when I recognized her. It's Vicki Donavan. I figured I'd actually killed her when she groaned, so I took her back to my place to have some fun, not before threatening Stefan to give me my ring back, of course. I had some fun with her and found out that she has a thing with Jessica's little brother so I figure I can get more information on Jessica. "So you hang out with little Gilbert a lot?"

"Sometimes," she answers still rolling around in her underwear. I roll my eyes before continuing my questions.

"What do you know about his sister, Jessica?"

"Um, she's friends with my brother."

"Is that all?" I can tell she isn't focusing so I vamp-speed over to her before compelling her. "Think very hard."

"She took her parent's death hard. Thought it was her fault, Matt said. I guess she didn't want to drive so she could drink and she thought that whatever saved her and Elena would've still managed and they would still have their parents. She just got back from Europe last week after being gone for eight months, to cope I guess. Oh and Matty says that she got a whole bunch of expensive shit and an expensive car from some guy she met in Europe as a birthday gift. Had it delivered to her house and everything."

I don't know why, but I feel jealous of the fact that somebody bought her a car. They must be close for him to do that, right? I try to push the thought away and tell myself I don't care, but I know that I do and I hate it.

Vicki spends most of the day talking about how depressing her life is. According to her, the best thing is Jeremy Gilbert so I decided to make it better and turned her into a vampire. She woke up after a little while so I sent her to the Gilbert house, hoping a newbie vamp would show my little brother that I'm not messing around, when it hits me. Vicki won't just be around Elena, she'll be around Jessica. What if Jessica gets hurt? Then I remember she's a witch and before I know it, I'm sucked into a memory of another witch I knew named Jessica.

Flashback- 1863

I stare at Jessica as she watches the sunrise. "It's beautiful, don't you think, Damon?" She asks me and I hum in agreement while staring at her. She turns to see me looking at her and laughs. "How could you possibly know what it looks like if you don't look, Mr. Salvatore?"

"It's simple Miss. Carter, I just trust you." She laughs again and I swear it's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I look at her and my heart is so filled with love. I'm in love with her and I want to marry her, my father just has one condition. "I've signed up to fight for the confederacy."

She gasps. "Tell me you're joking, Damon," she demands.

"I cannot. I ship out in a fortnight."

"Oh, but why, Damon? You've always told me that you agree with me about slaves being treated wrong. Fighting for the Confederacy would go against your morals. It's Giuseppe isn't it, he's forcing you? Once I get my hands on that man-"

"No, Jessica. He isn't forcing me," I half-lie. "Fighting in the war is the right thing to do."

"Yes,  for the Union. You can't always follow what the people of Mystic Falls want you to do, Damon."

"I have to. If they get suspicious of me they will try to hurt you. They will burn you for witchcraft, Jessica Carter, and I can't let that happen."

"I am not some damsel in need of your saving, Damon Salvatore. I can save myself, but who will save you on your fool's errand of fighting on the losing side of the war? Do you honestly believe that the Confederacy has a chance when most of the soldiers they having fighting are the very men the Union fights to free? You will get yourself killed for glory amongst people you shouldn't even pay mind to." She retorts before standing up and walking away, leaving me by the falls where I had first come across her.

When I finally come back to myself, it's night so I head to the Gilbert house. I tell myself I am going to get my ring from Stefan, but deep down I know I am going to check on Jessica. Elena answers it and it appears Jessica was correct, Elena had finally figured it out. Although something tells me she didn't share her findings with her older sister. I tell her to have Stefan find me as I still need my ring before turning to leave. Once I'm off the porch, however, I listen until I hear Jessica's voice. She's on the phone so I pick up some pebbles and begin to toss them at her window.

I hear her say goodbye to whoever she was speaking with, before opening the window. "Damon?" She questions, trying to see me in the trees I am hiding in. I'm a bit shocked she could make me out but then again, Jessica Gilbert is one giant enigma. "What are you doing here and why did you turn Vicki Donavan? I told you to leave the people I care about alone, Damon. Vicki won't make it as a vampire and when she dies, it'll kill Jeremy."

"I'm sorry," I say, actually feeling guilty. "I was bored and I didn't think about it. I'll stop her, okay?"

"Whatever Damon," she scoffs and I can't stop the worry I feel thinking that she might not forgive me for this until she sighs. "You might not have to worry about stopping her. Logan Fell has the Gilbert Compass and he's out in the woods hunting vampires. Last I checked, Stefan went looking there for Vicki. If I were you, I'd go save them," she informs me before closing her window. I turn to leave when, suddenly, it opens again."Oh and Damon, try not to get yourself killed," she adds before closing the window and locking it. I turn and speed through the woods, looking for my brother and unable to stop the grin on my face at the thought that she cares about me.

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