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Demi's POV

I just got back to Los Angeles from Miami last night, I was there for almost two weeks doing interviews in preparation for my big National Anthem performance at the super bowl. Singing the anthem was such a big dream of mine and to finally be able to do it and get so much recognition for it made it so much more amazing. It feels great to finally be getting out there again and performing and doing what I love and I am so excited I got to make my big grand entrance back into the spotlight with a Grammy and Super bowl performance.

It's now towards the end of February which means my newest single "I Love Me" is coming out in a couple weeks and I am so thrilled and happy about it. I have yet to announce my single, but I have a meeting at my apartment today with Scooter and Allison to discuss when to announce it and what my plans for the next month or so are.

I am cleaning up my kitchen from my lunch I just ate when my doorbell goes off and my dogs Batman and Ella rush to the door barking up a storm. I quickly dry my hands and walk to the door and look through the peep hole and just as I expect it's Scooter and Allison.

"Calm down guys" I say chuckling slightly at my two dogs as I open the door

"Hey Demi! How are you?" Allison says giving my hug then bending down to greet my dogs to calm them down.

"I'm good, how are you both?" I respond then going to give Scooter a hug

"Good!" They both say

"Come on in, do you guys want anything to drink?" I ask closing the door and leading them to the kitchen.

"Water is good." Scooter says and I grab three waters out of the fridge and then we go to the dining room table. We have some small talk about our lives and Scooter talks about his kids and wife.

"So, you have an exciting and busy couple of weeks coming up to lead to your single releasing!" Scooter says

"It's been an exciting year already!" I answer and we all chuckle.

"So what's the schedule?" I then continue

"Well we want to start this week recording the music video, possibly on the 23rd if that works for you?" Allison says looking at her computer then back at me.

"That's Sunday right?" I ask and they nod

"Yeah, that works and then when will we be done with the video?" I ask

"We want to aim to finish on the 25th, it may take longer or it may be a lot quicker, but then after we get the video shot then you can have the rest of that week to do what you want and to breathe, cause the next week will come in full force. Ellen called and wants you to be on her show on the 5th and 6th of March which will lead up to your single being released on the 6th." Scooter says and I nod

"Yeah that works, Ellen already texted me a couple days ago about me being on her show and I would love to." I answer

"Okay, so on the 5th, it will just be a regular interview with her. However, on the 6th she wants you to host the whole show. She said if you aren't comfortable you don't have to but she would love if you did." Allison said

"Okay, for sure! I've never done anything like that but it will give me some practice for when the Quibi show starts. So, I'm all in. When are we actually taping the shows?" I ask

"You will be taping on the 4th and 5th, so a day before each episode comes out." Allison answers.

"Okay, that works! I'm so excited! When can we announce my single?" I ask smiling big.

"It's up to you, what do you think?" Scooter asks

"How about we do it the Monday before it comes out. I don't know the date, but then it can surprise my fans and it also doesn't take away from Justin and his album just releasing last week." I say and they both nod.

"That's a good idea, so that Monday is March 2nd, then the 4th and 5th you'll tape Ellen's show, the 6th your song will come out then the the next couple of weeks you'll do phone calls on radio shows. Then middle and late March you'll be going to the UK to do press. You'll spend about a week there then come back to LA and do what you want to do and take a break, okay? If that's too much for you we can adjust it." Scooter says

"No, that works out perfect. I'm so excited to be doing this again!" I say and Scooter and Allison both nod their heads.

"We're both glad to see you so happy and doing what you love again!" Allison says smiling warmly at me

"I'm only happy cause you guys are so wonderful. My old management wouldn't even ask if plans were too much on me like you just did, so it means a lot to actually have people supporting me and caring about me and my well-being 110% so thank you guys!" I say and then we stand up and I give them both hugs.

"Of course Dems, we're always going to have your back. Now why don't you just relax the rest of the day and take care of yourself before things get crazy. I have to go and meet Yael at the doctors cause my kids all have their yearly check ups today." Scooter says

"Of course. Tell yael and the kids I said hi" I say giving Scooter one final hug before I walk him and Allison to the door.

"I will" Scooter says when he pulls away and I go to give Allison an another hug.

"Call me if you need anything, and have a good rest of your night. I'll see you in a couple days to shoot your video!" Allison says pulling away

"Of course. You guys have a good day. See you soon!" I say waving at them as they walk out the door then close it. I then turn around to look at my two dogs as they look up at me.

"You two are so cute." I say walking over them to pet them. I look at my phone and see it's almost 2:30 pm so I decide to sit on the couch and cuddle with my dogs as I watch crime shows. At about 4 pm I decide to get up and take a relaxing bath because I think I deserve it. I fill up the bathtub with water and bubbles then strip down and step in the tub. I sit in the bath for awhile just relaxing and going on my phone to answer any texts I may have and to go on Instagram. I look through my feed and then before I know it the water has gone cold so I decide to get out and then hop in the shower so I can actually wash my hair and my body. Once I'm done with that I get out and put on a big T-shirt with leggings then go out to my kitchen and pull out a prepped meal from my chef out of the refrigerator. My chef comes over twice a week to make my meals for me since I can't cook very well and then I just warm it up when I eat them.

The rest of the night I just finish up my dinner then go back to my bathroom to do a face mask and cuddle with my dogs in my bed and watch tv until I fall asleep. Nights like these are my favorite because I feel I have come so far with me feeling lonely. I used to always feel like I needed somebody to be with me or constantly be talking with on the phone for me to be even able to function, but now I'm at the point where I am so much more independent and comfortable with being alone that it feels amazing when I can get through a day like this. Obviously I still have my harder days where I feel like I need someone by my side, but for the most part I am so much more accepting of the fact of not having someone constantly there and I love that I'm at that point in my life.

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