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Demi's POV

The next morning I woke up to loud knocking on my door and I groan and look over at my phone to see it's 10 am. The knocking only gets louder and my dogs both start barking so I throw my blankets off of me and march out of my room to the door. I don't even look through the peephole I just swing the door open and see Matthew and Sirah.

"What?" I say slightly annoyed that they woke me up.

"Girl, don't give us attitude. It's 10 am, now let us in." Sirah says laughing and walking in followed by Matthew.

"Have you eaten yet?" Sirah asks making her way into my kitchen.

"No I just woke up to banging on my door." I say rubbing my eyes

"Well, go wake yourself up. I'll make breakfast" Sirah says and I nod and make my way to my bathroom in my room. I quickly do my morning routine and walk back out to the kitchen and sit on a stool at the island. Matthew and Sirah are talking about something random so I look down at my phone and decide to text Max.

Demi🌹: Good morning!

Max💛: Morning gorgeous❤️ What are you up to right now?

Demi🌹: Nothing, just woke up to banging on my door and it was my friends probably wanting to know all the details from yesterday😂 What about you😘

Max💛: That's cute, and I just got back from the gym. I was about to take a shower then set up for our date tonight😉❤️

Demi🌹: Ugggghhhh.. I wish I knew where you were taking me

Max💛: Haha, you'll find out tonight beautiful❤️

Demi🌹: FINE! I'll let you go then😊

Max💛: Haha, okay. I'll text you later princess

Demi🌹: Ugh! You're so cute, okay text you later 😊❤️

Max💛: Bye beautiful xx

"Hello! Earth to Demi!" I hear when I lock my phone

"What?" I ask as Sirah sets a plate in front of me with eggs and avocado toast

"We've been trying to get your attention for like 2 minutes. That's must of been Max you were texting" Sirah says smirking at me and I blush and roll my eyes

"Whatever" I say quietly and start eating

"Sooo, what happened yesterday? I want to know everything!" Matthew says sitting right in front of me and I laugh.

"He just brought sushi over and we talked and we actually had really good conversations. We learned a lot about each other and we watched a movie" I say blushing remembering what happened after the movie.

"Uh uh.. there's more. What else happened? Did he try to make a move?" Sirah asks and I blush

"Oh my god! He did! What happened?" Matthew asks jumping up and down and I chuckled

"We kissed" I said finishing off my food before standing up to rinse my plate off and both Matthew and Sirah followed me with their eyes.

"And did you tell him that you didn't want a relationship right now?" Sirah asked and I nodded

"Yes, we actually had a really deep conversation about it and he said he understands completely how busy I'm going to get and he doesn't want to add the pressure of a relationship. He said he would always be there for me as a friend and he'll wait for me when I'm ready and things cool down a little bit. But he's just so amazing guys, there's no denying that there are feelings involved on both sides so we made the decision to just take our time and start going on dates, but nothing official until I'm ready." I said smiling really hard and I look up to see giant smiles on both Matthew and Sirah's face and I laugh

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