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Demi's POV

Last night Zara woke up every few hours and it's now a little past 8 am when I hear Zara start to coo next to me and I open my eyes and look over to see her looking up at the ceiling. I smile at her cute face when she first wakes up and I decide to pick her up and bring her in my arms.

"Morning princess." I whisper since Max is still sleeping and she smiles at me. I run my fingers over her dark hair and just hold her for a few minutes before I sit up fully and lay Zara down in between my legs as I grab a new diaper and wipes off of the nightstand next to me. We place several diapers on the nightstand every night along with wipes just so it's easier at night when we have to change her diaper. I then quickly change Zara's diaper.

"Can you lay here and be good for a few minutes while I brush my teeth baby girl?" I ask Zara even though I know she won't answer. She just smiles at me and I smile and kiss her cheek then move her back to the middle of the bed while I get up. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face then I walk back into the room to see Zara just laying there and Max still sleeping. I quickly take a picture of them both before I grab Zara and cradle her in my arms. I then bring her out into the kitchen and make her a bottle.

"You hungry princess?" I ask as I start warming up her bottle and she coos and smiles big at me and I lean down to kiss her cheek.

"You are so beautiful baby girl." I say smiling down at her. After Zara's bottle is warmed up I then bring her over to the living room and sit down while I feed her. I close my eyes and rest my head back against the couch with a smile on my face as she eats and after about 15 minutes she's fed and burped.

"Do you want to help me make breakfast for daddy?" I ask walking back into the kitchen and placing her empty bottle on the counter. I then go over to the dining table and place her down in her rocker that's still there from last night. I buckle her in and then moved her over to the kitchen so I can keep an eye on her while I start pulling things out to make breakfast. I'm not the best cooker, but breakfast I can handle. Especially after being with Max all the time, I've picked up on a few things and have gotten a lot better. I eventually decide on breakfast sandwiches with a bagel, egg, cheese and turkey bacon. So, I pull everything out and I start on the bacon first. As I'm cooking I continuously look over at Zara and have a one way conversation with her while she just coos and smiles in response. Once I finished with the bacon I started on the eggs. The eggs cook fast so while they are cooking I pull out the bagels and put them in the toaster. I keep an eye on them while I cook the eggs so they don't burn and surprisingly they don't. By the time the bagels are toasted the eggs are done so I turn off the stove and grab two plates. I then place the bagels on each plate then place the cheese on then the eggs and a few pieces of bacon on each then put the other half of the bagel on top. Right when I'm about to go wake up Max I feel arms snake around my waist and feel Max kiss my neck. I smile and turn around in his arms.

"Morning baby, I made breakfast." I say leaning up to kiss his lips and we both smile in the kiss.

"I see that, thank you love. It looks good." He says when we pull away and I smile and caress his cheek and peck his lips one final time before we fully pull away. We decide to just eat right at the island so we didn't have to move Zara again, but before Max starts eating he takes a picture.

"This is definitely going on Instagram." He says and I laugh.

"Why? It's just food?" I ask him chuckling.

"Yeah, food that my amazing girlfriend made. I want to show everyone how amazing you are." He says leaning in to kiss my cheek and I blush. He then starts typing on his phone to post and then locks his phone when he's done and starts eating.

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