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Demi's POV

The next morning I wake up to knocking on my door and my dogs barking like crazy. I groan and push my face into whatever's next to me and hear someone laugh and I realize it's Max and my face is snuggled in his neck. I try to ignore the barking and the knocking but it only gets louder.

"Wake up beautiful." I hear Max which instantly puts a smile on my face. The knocking then got louder and I groan and push my self up.

"Oh my god." I mumble while rolling my eyes and throw the blankets off of me while Max laughs

"I'm gonna see who it is." I say getting out of bed and he nods so I walk out my bedroom and go to my door. I swing my door open and see Matthew and Sirah with large smiles on their faces and I groan because of how tired I am.

"What are you guys doing here?" I say while letting them in.

"We wanted to see how yesterday went with Max and everything." Matthew says and they both walk in my kitchen to sit at the island.

"Good, and he's here so can you go?" I say and they both looked at me shocked.

"He's here? He spent the night? Oh my god did you guys hook up?" Sirah asks shocked

"No, we didn't hook up. He just fell asleep last night and it was really late and I didn't want him driving if he was tired and it was dark." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Well then. What happened last night? Did you tell him what you told us?" Matthew asks

"Yes, we talked. Now can you guys go I don't want him to be uncomfortable or anything." I say and they shake their heads no.

"No, we want to see him. We can all eat breakfast together or something. We need to get to know him anyways." Sirah says and I groan throwing my head back.

"I'll ask him, but if he doesn't want to, then you guys need to leave." I say giving them a stern look and they both nod so I walk back into my room and see Max in the bathroom brushing his teeth and I smile at him.

"Who was it?" He asks when he finishes and I get my toothbrush to brush my teeth.

"Matthew and Sirah, and they are refusing to leave because they want to get to know you. I said I'd ask but if you weren't comfortable then they had to leave." I say and start brushing my teeth.

"They can stay, I wanna get to know my girlfriends friends better anyway." He says leaning to kiss my cheek and I blush and finish brushing my teeth then start washing my face.

"I'll let you finish and meet you out at the kitchen?" He says

"You sure you wanna be alone with them. They can be pretty invasive." I ask and he chuckles.

"I'll be fine beautiful." He says kissing my head as he walks past me out the bathroom.

Max's POV

Once I leave the bathroom I put on my shirt from last night and walk out into the kitchen and I already hear Matthew and Sirah talking.

"I think he'll be so good for Demi." I hear a female voice which I'm assuming is Sirah

"Yeah, he seems like a good guy for her." Matthew then responds and I smile and make myself noticed as I turn the corner

"Oh hey Max!" Sirah says standing up to give me a hug

"Hey guys! It's good to see you again!" I say

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