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Demi's POV

The next time I woke up Max wasn't in the bed but I grab my phone and see it's about 8 pm. I'm shocked at how long I slept and I decide to get out of bed. I quickly use the restroom and I walk out of the room and head to the living room where I see Max and Eddie watching an old baseball game while my sisters and mom are in the kitchen.

"Hi sleepyhead, did you have a good nap?" Max asks me and I nod and smile as I sit down next to him.

"I did, you could've woke me." I reply kissing his cheek and he smiles.

"You needed the rest. Dinner is about to be ready any minute though so I was getting ready to wake you up anyways." He says and I nod. After a few minutes we make our way to the kitchen and my mom and sisters notice me.

"Hey, finally you're awake." Maddie says slightly nudging me and I chuckle and sit at the island with Max behind me with his hands placed on my hips.

"You hungry Dems?" My mom asks and I nod

"Yeah, what are you making?" I ask her

"Shrimp linguine" she answers and I nod. I look over to see Dallas starting at me and once she saw me look at her she turned the other way and I slightly roll my eyes.

"Alright, dinner is ready. Come get a plate." My mom say after a few minutes of us all talking and we all get up and grab some food and we sit down and eat. While we're eating I notice it's pretty tense and awkward and I know that's because of the situation earlier so I decide to speak up.

"When we're done eating, can we all talk?" I ask

"Yeah of course Demi." My dad answers giving me a warm smile as well as my mom. So, we all finish up eating and then we clean up. Once we make it to the living room I sit next to Max and he wraps one arm around me and gives me a comforting smile and I relax a little.

"I'm sorry I snapped earlier, there's just a lot more that you guys don't know. You guys just know what happened with Mike and Phil, but you don't know the real reason why that all started." I start and take a deep breath as everyone looks at me.

"Wilmer was actually the one that started controlling me and my food because he started saying I was gaining too much weight. I tried to please him by working out more but that didn't help and he eventually got Mike and Phil on what he was doing and eventually Nick got involved. They all agreed with Wilmer saying that I was gaining too much weight and that it wasn't a good look for them so they started forcing me to do things like working out as much as I did and taking the phone out of the hotel room so I couldn't call room service. They said if I didn't listen to them or I put up a fight they would drop me and I didn't want that so I decided to just pull through until my contract was up because I didn't have anywhere else to go. However, there was still the situation with Wilmer and every time I tried to break up with him he would get really angry and he got close to hitting me some days. I was terrified, so I decided to reverse everything on him so I could scare him off instead. That's why I started talking about marriage and kids more all of the sudden because I knew he didn't want that and eventually he did breakup with me." I say and stop my self to take another deep breath.

"Mike and Phil told me though that I had to stay friends with Wilmer because they didn't need a nasty breakup to make them look bad, so I did. When I officially signed with Scooter I completely stopped talking to Wilmer and he got really mad. He started showing up at my apartment un announced and one night he got really angry and said some hurtful things then slapped me across the face and left." I say finishing not looking up at my family once and instead focusing on Max and I's intertwines hands.

"Why didn't you tell us?" My mom asks after a few minutes and I shrug

"I don't know, it was always something hard to talk about. I'm sorry I didn't tell you all sooner." I answer finally looking up to see my mom wiping tears off her face

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