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Max's POV

It's been a couple more weeks since the little argument Demi and I had about Sommer, but we're doing great now. Sommer has continued to text me but I warned her once again and she seemed to cool down a little bit and I know Demi appreciated that just as much as I did.

Today is April 7th, which means Demi and I have been together officially for one month. I know it's not that big of a deal, but due to the quarantine we only really had one real date. Every other time we hung out it was at our houses, so I want to make today special and fun for her.

This morning I woke up at about 9 am, and I look down to see Demi sleeping peacefully with her head laid on my chest and her legs intertwined with mine. I slightly rub her back and kiss her forehead but she doesn't move one bit. I grab my phone and go on it for a little while. I then go on Instagram and post a video of me and captioned it "1 <3"

It's not like Demi and I have been hiding our relationship from the world, we are posting what we want and I guess just slowly making our relationship completely public. Demi and I actually had a conversation about it after a couple accidents when I went on live and you could see Demi, but she didn't really care and told me I could post and do what I wanted on social media. So, we are just doing our own thing and not worrying about what people say. I soon start to feel Demi stir and I look down to see her eyes flickering open and I put my phone down and run her back.

"Good morning angel." I say kissing her forehead once again and she just groans and pushes her face in my neck and I chuckle slightly. She is definitely not a morning person, but that doesn't mean she doesn't look absolutely adorable every morning. I continue to rub her back and play with her hair giving her time to fully wake up.

"Morning baby" she mumbles but I still smile and finally she lifts her head up and fully sits up.

"There she is." I say caressing her hip and she glares at me but soon a smile breaks out on her face. We talk for a few more minutes before we get up and do our morning routines in the bathroom. Once I'm done I stand behind Demi and wrap my arms around her from behind while she finishes drying her face off from washing it. She smiles at me through the mirror.

"We've been dating for one month, so happy one month baby" I say and she smiles bigger and then turns around in my arms and wraps her arms around my shoulders.

"Happy one month!" She replies and then she leans up to kiss my lips and I smile in the kiss. We then walk out to the kitchen and see her parents already out there making breakfast.

Demi's POV

"Morning guys" I say to my parents as Max and I sit at the island.

"Morning, you guys hungry?" My dad asks and we both nod

"Okay, breakfast will be ready in a few." My dad says and couple minutes later my sisters make there way out into the kitchen and soon we all start eating.

"What are your plans for today?" My mom asks us all

"I have work to do for school, so that's what I'll be up to." Maddie says

"I don't know yet actually" Dallas answers

"Probably relax outside or something. It's a nice day" I say And Max nods agreeing.

"Fun!" My mom says and we all smile and nod

"Yeah, I have to go live tonight also because I have to practice interviewing people for my Quibi show coming out soon." I say

"Okay, just let us know when you start and we will let you have the living room." My dad says

"Thank you" I say and we all finish up our food and Max takes my plate for me.

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