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Demi's POV

The past couple of months have been crazy to say the least. Phil was arrested a couple days before New Years and he is currently still in jail due to all the evidence against him and the fact that he was threatening to release the sex tape. We were able to get the video back which I'm glad, and I most definitely destroyed that flash drive as soon as I got it. I ended up deciding to go through with the lawsuit just so he can actually go to prison instead of getting off on a bond, and the first court date is in March. For awhile there I did feel kind of bad about getting Phil arrested just because he does have a wife and daughter and also because now all his artists look bad and have no one to go to now, but then I remember all the shit that he as well as everyone else on that team put me through. Phil's wife actually reached out to me and told me that she was so sorry and had no idea that Phil was doing any of the things he was doing and said that she isn't mad at me or doesn't resent me, which I'm glad. She even told me that her and Phil were on the verge of getting a divorce due to personal issues and I was shocked actually to here that. Her reaching out to me though did make me feel a lot better.

After New Years, I went on my Europe tour with Max and Zara and it was so much fun. I did bring a nurse on tour with me to make sure myself as well as the baby stay healthy and I'm glad I did that. The tour in Europe lasted about two and a half weeks and then I flew back to LA with Max and Zara because I had an appointment scheduled to check on the baby. My stomach has grown a lot and I actually look like I'm pregnant now instead of just bloated or I'm just gaining weight. Our baby boy is perfectly healthy still and is at the perfect size and weight. He's getting so big and it blows my mind every time I see him on the screen or hear his heartbeat. After my appointment, I stayed in LA one more day and then I flew out for my South America leg of my tour. I was so happy to finally be in South America and I know my fans were ecstatic as well. I was in South America for a week and a half when Max met me in Brazil with Zara. They were going to stay with me for the rest of the tour and I was so happy to be able to travel with Zara and show her the world. Even though she was still really young, it still was so amazing to see Zara's face light up when she would see something new and exciting on my days off. I changed all my stage outfits so it doesn't look like I'm pregnant and so far no one has really suspected anything. There was the occasional rumor here and there, but because I was on tour and I didn't look pregnant on stage no one really believed it. I was glad though, because I really wanted to keep this pregnancy quiet for as long as possible.

Zara is now 10 months old and is now saying 'dada'. It was so cute the first time she said it because we were backstage for one of my shows in Brazil when she said it and I swear I thought Max was going to cry. Zara is now standing on her own all the time now and is so close to walking, but she hasn't yet. She has grown a couple more teeth since she was 8 months old and is eating pretty much anything now. She also learned how to give kisses and Max and I are definitely loving that. She is so sweet and is always kissing Max or l's cheek and it's the cutest thing ever.

I got back to LA a few days ago and I am now 20 weeks pregnant. I woke up this morning to Max kissing my cheek and I smile and squint my eyes open to see him smiling down at me.

"Good morning my love." He says running his fingers up my naked waist and I shiver slightly.

"Morning baby." I mumble as I move my head in the crook of his neck. "What time is it?" I ask yawning.

"7:30." He answers and I internally groan at how early he had to wake me up.

"It's too early." I say sighing and closing my eyes.

"No it's not baby." He says chuckling and I move my head to glare at him and he stops laughing.

"Fine, it's a little early. I just wanted to talk to you though, before Zara wakes up." He says kissing my forehead.

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