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Demi's POV

Throughout the next week I was pretty busy doing promo and interviews that are going to come out after my single is released and I spent a lot of time in the studio doing final touches on my album. Today is Thursday and I just finished hosting the Ellen show and it was so much fun. I was extremely nervous at first just because I've never done anything like that before but once I started interviewing people it was just like I was having a conversation with somebody and luckily I got to interview people I know and am friends with. I'm now backstage and I see Matthew, Sirah, Paul, my mom, and Scooter.

"You did amazing out there Demi, great job!" Scooter says giving me a hug as well as everybody else.

"Thank you! I was so nervous but I'm glad I got this experience." I say then sit down at my vanity so Paul can take out my extensions. I look down at my phone to see it's about 6 pm.

"You're going to the studio after this right?" Scooter asks and I nod

"Yeah, you guys are more then welcome to come!" I say

"I have to get home to Yael and the kids, but I'll be FaceTiming you right when your song is released!" Scooter says and I nod

"Yeah, I'm going to head home also. I'm too old to be hanging out that late" my mom says laughing

"You're not that old, but okay" I say responding to my mom. By the time my extensions are all out we came to the conclusion that everyone is going to go back home besides Matthew and Sirah who are going to come to the studio with me. They still don't know about Max meeting us there, but I'll tell them in the car.

"Alright, I'm going to go change real quick and then we can head out" I tell everybody and Scooter, my mom, and Paul end up leaving. Once I'm done getting change I walk back into the main part of my dressing room to see my security guard Rob waiting for me.
(I just made that up, cause I know she has another security guard but I don't know his name😂)

Once we get in the car I decide now is the time to tell them about Max meeting us there.

"So, Max is going to meet us at the studio to celebrate. But guys, please don't embarrass me." I say begging them

"Oh my god! I'm so excited to meet him!" Sirah says jumping up and down in her seat like a little kid and I laugh as does Matthew

"Now, why would we embarrass you?" Matthew asks me smirking

"I don't know, just don't ask him a lot of questions and stuff. Please?" I ask and they nod

"Fine!" They both say

"Thank you!" I say but before any of us can say anything else I hear my phone start ringing and look to see Max FaceTiming me. I smile big and look over to both Matthew and Sirah.

"Don't say anything!" I say giving them a warning look and they both laugh and then I accept the call.

"Hey gorgeous!" He says and I smile

"Hi! I'm on my way to the studio now so you can get there any time you want" I tell him

"Okay! I'm excited to see you!" He says giving me a sweet smile and I blush in response

"Me too! I can't wait for you to see my music video also. I hope you like it." I tell him

"I'm sure I'm going to love it. Anything you do is amazing." He says and I blush once again.

"Thank you, Max." I tell him and we talk for a few more minutes before I get a text from Scooter telling me to go live on Instagram to promote the song coming out.

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