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Time Skip: 1 month

Demi's POV

I just finished my North America leg of my tour and I am back in LA with Max and Zara. I am now 11 weeks pregnant and Max and I are on our way to a check up appointment right now while my mom watches Zara. The morning sickness has worn off a lot which I'm glad, because it was brutal. Max and I have yet to tell anyone that I'm pregnant besides Scooter and Jordan. We plan on telling our families on Christmas which is in a few days. It kind of sucks because we won't be able to tell Max's family in person, but we sent them gifts to New Jersey then we gave them strict orders to open them when we are on FaceTime so we can at least see their reactions. I'm kind of nervous for everyone to find out, because Max and I are on our second baby already and we haven't even been dating for a year yet. I just hope everyone is accepting and is excited for us.

My lawyer, Liam, and the private investigator, James, have done a lot more digging over the past month and found that Phil in fact has stolen majority of the money from me or promotional sponsorships that I have done. The rest of it came from Nick and Joe also, but the majority was from me. My lawyer wants me to do a lawsuit to get the money back, but at this point I could careless about the money. I just want that video out of his hands so it doesn't get out. Liam has started a plan to get the video back from Phil or were going to start a lawsuit which is a much bigger deal then a video and hopefully all will go well. Either way, Phil will most likely be going to prison because he committed fraud. We just have to take our time with everything so he doesn't release the video.

Zara is now 8 months old and can pull her self up and stand if she's holding onto something. Every once in awhile she will pull away and stand on her own, but it will only last for about a minute before she falls down on her bottom. It's crazy how fast she's growing and she even has a couple of her bottom teeth already. At her last check up appointment that Max took her to while I was on tour, her doctor said that he wouldn't be surprised if she starts walking soon because she seems so balanced and sturdy already when she's standing. I was shocked to hear, but also excited to hear that she could be walking soon. Max and I are also constantly trying to get her to say 'mama' or 'dada' but she most of the time just laughs and crawls away. It's actually turned into a little friendly competition between a lot of my friends and family on what she's going to say first. I hope she says 'mama' first, but I have a feeling it won't be just because most babies say 'dada' first.

We just pulled up to the back of the OBGYN office since my doctor said I can come through the back entrance in case of paparazzi. I have known her for years and when I called her to make an appointment because I was pregnant, she was definitely shocked. Max parks the car then looks over at me.

"Ready to see our baby?" He asks smiling over at me and I nod excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm excited to see how much bigger it's gotten." I say and he nods.

"I'm excited too." He says moving his hand from my thigh to my stomach and I smile bigger and place my hand on top of his.

"Ready baby?" I ask after a couple minutes and he nods so we both get out of the car and he grabs my hand once I'm close enough and interlocks our fingers. We then walk inside and get led straight back into a room by a nurse. I sit down on the bed while Max sits on a chair next to me.

"You're starting to get a little bump baby." Max says rubbing my stomach and I smile.

"I know, I thought it would be hard to see my stomach growing or gaining weight, but it actually hasn't been that bad so far." I tell him and he smiles up at me.

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