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Demi's POV

Zara just woke up for the first time tonight and it's a little past 11 pm. Once I wake up I notice Max still isn't in the room like I thought he would be, but I ignore it and I just lift Zara up in my arms and go to the bathroom where her bottles and formula are. I quickly start making a bottle as I rock her in my arms since she's starting to get really fussy.

"I know baby girl. I'm going as fast as I can." I say trying to calm her down as she lets out a cry and finally I'm finished making her bottle and I shake it up as I walk back into the room and sit back on the bed. I start feeding her and she immediately calms down and starts eating. I lay my head back on the head board and close my eyes. I then start thinking about earlier and I start to get emotional all over again. I let one tear slip before I take a deep breath and I look back down at Zara knowing she can lift my mood. I stare down at her as she looks up at me with her beautiful brown eyes that she gets from Max and I let a few more tears slip.

Soon, Zara is done eating and I burp her then change her diaper and before I know it she is back asleep. I try to fall back asleep, but I can't. I toss and turn for almost an hour before I decide to get up and go get a glass of water downstairs.

I walk down the stairs and make my way into the kitchen. I grab a glass from the cabinet then I go to the sink to fill it up with water as I look up and through the window right in front of me. When I look through the window, I see Max sitting by the pool with his feet in the water. I look over at the clock on the stove and see it's past midnight. I sigh and take a few sips of water before I quietly walk outside. Max doesn't see me since he's facing the other way so I quietly walk up to him.

"Do you plan on staying out here all night?" I say which causes him to jump as he turns to face me. It's then that I notice he was crying and I start to feel bad, but that feeling goes away quickly when the memory of him kissing Brooke flashes into my head.

"I was just staying out here til I knew everyone was asleep and I could go to the couch to sleep. I figured you wouldn't want me in the room with you." He says shrugging then turning back around as he kicks his feet in the pool. I sigh and wipe a single tear that fell and then I go closer and sit a few feet away from him as I put my feet in the water as well. Neither one of us say anything for several minutes as I let a few more tears fall.

"Were you going to tell me?" I whisper and I see him look over at me through the corner of my eye.

"Uhh.. I-I.." he starts as he stutters and I roll my eyes.

"You weren't." I say finally locking my eyes with him and he goes to speak but I don't let him.

"You just told me you loved me this morning. Did that not mean anything to you?" I ask as I let out a sob and he tries to move towards me but I shake my head and scoot away.

"Of course Dems, it's means everything to me and I meant it. Demi, please let me explain." He says and I wipe my tears away.

"Why? You're just going to make up excuses or lies. I know what I saw Max." I said looking out at the water.

"Yeah, but how long did you stay?" He asks and I look over at him.

"Long enough to know you cheated and lied." I said getting ready to get up, but I feel him grab my hand.

"Demi, we made a pact when we first started dating that no matter what we would always let each other explain. So please, let me tell you my side of the story." He says and I snatch my hand away and I nod.

"Fine go ahead." I mumble playing with my hands.

"Brooke came up to me when Matt and I were walking back into the backyard from throwing out the trash. She asked if we could talk and I didn't want to but I also didn't want to be rude so I said yes. Matt walked back in the backyard and she started telling me how she missed me and stuff and I told her that I didn't want her in my life anymore. Not even as a friend. Then she started rambling saying that I didn't want to be friends because of you and because you were jealous. She kept going on and on and I told her that I didn't want her in my life anymore so I went to walk away and as I was passing by her she grabbed my face in her hands and kissed me. I pushed her away right away Dems. I promise you." He says whispering at his last sentence. I look out into the water as I process what he was saying.

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