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Demi's POV

It's been a few days since we first arrived in New Jersey and today is Max's 29th birthday. I woke up this morning to cooing and I look to my side to see Zara looking at me as she lays in Max's arms as he stays asleep and I awe at the sight and immediately take a picture of how cute it is.

"Morning princess! When did you get in bed with us?" I ask smiling at her and she just smiles back. Throughout our trip Zara has been sleeping in the crib next to us instead of the bed like normally when we are home, but Max must have brought her in bed with us some time last night. I then carefully move Max's arms so he can stay asleep while I get Zara. I change her diaper and cuddle her into me and she smiles big. I lay there for a few minutes running my fingers through Zara's hair as I wake up more. I then lay her back down and quickly get out of bed to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I'm done I get back in bed and sit against the headboard as I pick Zara up and cradle her in my arms.

"Do you want to wake up daddy princess?" I ask her "It's his birthday today!" I say excitedly and she coos and reaches her hands out to stretch and I smile. I then move closer to Max and start running my fingers through his hair and up and down his shirtless back. He doesn't move so I lean down and kiss his cheek and his shoulder since he's laying on his side. "Wake up daddy!" I say in a high pitched voice and I lean down once more and kiss Max on the lips and I feel him kiss back. I smile and pull away and run my free hand down his cheek and back into his hair.

"Morning baby! Happy birthday love!" I say happily and I see him smile and he rolls onto his back and squints his eyes open.

"Say happy birthday Daddy!" I say moving Zara so she's facing Max and she smiles big and I laugh.

"Thank you my princess!" He says moving closer and draping one arm around my thighs and he starts kissing Zara's cheeks and she lets out a small giggle and I gasp.

"She laughed!" I say excitedly and Max smiles big and takes her into his arms.

"Did you laugh baby girl? Do it again princess!" He says happily with a big smile and he leans up to kiss her cheeks and her stomach and she lets out another giggle.

"Oh my goodness! She's laughing!" I say and lean down to kiss her all over and she coos and smiles.

"This is already the best birthday ever!" Max says cuddling Zara into him and I smile at the two then lean down to kiss Max's cheek.

"Happy birthday baby." I say and he smiles brightly

"Thank you my love!" He says then leans up to peck my lips and we both smile in the kiss as I move one hand to his cheek, but we pull away when we hear a whine from Zara.

"Someone doesn't like not having all the attention." I say moving my hand to her belly to tickle her and she smiles. We then lay there for about another 30 minutes before Zara starts to get hungry so Max gets up to brush his teeth and wash his face while I make her a bottle and start feeding her. While I feed her I pull out my phone and decide to post the picture I took earlier of Max and Zara.

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