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Demi's POV

It's the next day and I'm now getting ready for the dinner to celebrate my album while Max is in the living room with Zara. I went to my apartment earlier today to get my dress and anything else I needed. The only stuff of mine that's here is basic things that I've left.

I just got out of the shower and I'm now in my robe waiting for Paul and Jill to get here to do my hair and makeup. While I wait I go out into the living room to see Max blowing raspberries on Zara's stomach on the couch as she laughs hysterically. I smile at the sight and then I sit down next to Max.

"I've never heard her laugh so hard." I say chuckling as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I know, it's so cute." He says picking up Zara from laying on the couch and he kisses her cheeks. "When are Paul and Jill going to be here?" He then asks wrapping one arm around me while the other still holds Zara.

"They should be here any minute now." I say resting my head on his chest and I close my eyes.

"Tired baby?" He asks rubbing my back and I nod.

"Yeah, I don't know why though." I say and I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"Zara was up a lot last night, so that's probably why." He says continuing to rub my back.

"Yeah, probably." I say yawning, but I open my eyes when I hear the doorbell go off and my dogs barking like crazy since I brought them back to Max's house when I came back from my apartment earlier. I then stand up and look through the peep hole to see Paul and Jill. I smile and open the door.

"Hey guys!" I say hugging them both and then I let them in.

"Hey, you ready to get glammed up?" Paul asks and I chuckle and nod.

"Yeah, baby is it okay if we use your room?" I ask just in case he doesn't want everybody In there.

"Go ahead love. It's your room as well when you're here." He says smiling over at me and I smile then lead Jill and Paul to Max's room and we go into the bathroom.

"His place is really nice." Jill says as she starts sorting through everything while I sit down.

"Yeah, I love it." I say smiling.

"Are you going to move in with him?" Paul asks

"No, my lease to my place isn't up for a little while longer. Once it is up though I probably will." I say and they both start on my hair and makeup.

"What dress are you wearing Dem?" Jill asks.

"It's hanging in the closet, you can go look." I say and she nods.

"Okay, cause I need to know what to do for your makeup." She says then walks into the closet.

"Ooh this is gorgeous Demi!" Jill says gushing over the dress and I smile.

"Now I wanna see it." Paul says as he stops working on my hair and goes into the closet and I roll my eyes with a smile. Soon, they make their way back to the bathroom and start working on my glam again.

"Did you guys get your inspiration?" I ask chuckling and they both nod. Over an hour later I'm pretty much done when Max makes his way into the bathroom holding Zara.

"You almost done baby? I have to take a shower." He says standing in front of me while he leans on the counter.

"Yeah, they're just doing final touches." I say smiling up at him as he nods but I drift my attention down to a cooing Zara.

"Hi princess!" I say and she smile big.

"Alright Dems you're all done! Do you want help with your dress?" Jill asks after a few more minutes and I stand up.

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