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Demi's POV

It's now Friday and Matthew and Sirah are here to get ready for us to go out to dinner together.

"So how are you and Max?" Matthew asks and I blush slightly while looking for something to wear.

"Good." I simply reply

"Girl, we need more than that. Last night y'all looked like a real couple, not just two people getting to know each other." Sirah says and I chuckle

"Why do you say that?" I ask turning around to look at her

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you guys were all over each other and not to mention kissing!" Sirah says and I smile looking down at a dress I'm debating on wearing.

"First, we were not all over each other. Second, it was one kiss." I say turning back around to pick out a pair of heels to wear.

"Uhh, yes you were Dems. As soon as you guys got close enough you guys would be touching each other in some way. It was cute. I've never seen you smile so much. I mean that too." Matthew says and I giggle.

"Okay, what do you want me to say?" I ask smiling at them

"That you are totally falling for this guy and that you guys will be official soon." Sirah says and I chuckle

"There's no denying that I like him, but like I said I'm going to be really busy and that's not fair to him and he understands." I say finally deciding on my outfit and walking to my bathroom to change. Once I'm done I walk out

"Gorgeous as always Dems!" Matthew says and Sirah nods agreeing.

"Thanks guys!" I say but before any of us can reply there is a knock at my door.

"I'll get it, you finish getting ready." Sirah says and walks out of my room while Matthew and I continue talking after a couple minutes I hear Sirah.

"Someone has a delivery!" Sirah says walking into my room with a bouquet of roses and I smile and stand up to grab them.

"From who?" I ask taking them out of her hands to set on my dresser

"I don't know, security brought them up for you. Probably Max though." She answers giving me a smirk and I take the card and open it up.

Just another congratulations on your new single and hopefully something to make you smile. See you soon beautiful.. xx
-Max <3

I blush hard when I finish reading the card and I look up to see Sirah and Matthew smirking.

"I'm guessing I'm right?" Sirah asks and I nod and smile hard looking back down at the roses.

"Awww he's so sweet, can I read the card?" Matthew asks and I hand them the card letting them read it while I pull out my phone to text Max.

"This is so sweet! He's a good guy Dems." Sirah says and I nod

"He is" I say sending the text to Max

Demi❤️: Thank you so much for the roses handsome. I just got them they're beautiful😊❤️

Max🙈💗: Of course angel.. I figured the ones I got you last week are going to die soon and I thought I could get you more and hopefully make you smile😘❤️

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