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Time Skip: 1 month

Max's POV

Throughout the last month the lawsuit started and due to Demi being on strict orders of bed rest I went to the first two on behalf of her with her lawyer and Demi went to the last one as long as she sat down the whole time. Demi ended up winning the lawsuit which was really no surprise and she got all her money back, but she just donated it to several different charities which was an amazing thing to do. Phil ended up getting arrested for fraud and was sentenced to fifteen years in prison and an option for parole after twelve. Demi was very thankful everything went the way it was supposed to and honestly so was I, because she can't handle anymore stress.

Today is Saturday, April 17th and it's Zara's first birthday party. Her actual birthday is tomorrow, but Demi and I decided we would do her party on Saturday then just be alone with her on Sunday on her actual birthday. I woke up this morning to Zara calling me in the baby monitor at around 8:20 am and I look over to my right to see Demi peacefully sleeping cuddled up to me. I smile and kiss her cheek lightly before I carefully roll out of bed so I don't wake her. I then go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth then walk out of the room and down the hall to Zara's room. As soon as I enter she jumps in her crib as she holds onto the railing.

"Good morning beautiful girl!" I say and she squeals and reaches her arms out for me to grab.

"Dada!" She says once I finally pick her up and I smile and kiss her cheek then bring her to her changing table so I can change her diaper.

"Wanna go see mama?" I ask once I pick her back up and hold her against my hip and she smiles big.

"Mama. Mama." She repeats until we make it into our room. I see Demi still sleeping now on her side and I smile and get into bed next to her then let Zara go. Zara immediately crawls up to Demi and cuddles into her and I smile. "Mama." She says and Demi squints one eye open as she smiles.

"Morning baby girl." Demi mumbles then wraps her arm around Zara. She giggles as Demi starts kissing her cheek.

"Morning beautiful." I say running my fingers through Demi's hair and she smiles up at me.

"Morning baby." She says back then moves so she's sitting up next to me with Zara still in her arms. "I can't believe she's already going to be one." Demi says running her fingers through Zara's hair as she sits in her lap and faces the tv that I just put on for her.

"I know, it seems like just yesterday I got the call from the hospital. God, I was terrified." I say chuckling and Demi looks up at me with a smile.

"What for?" She asks.

"Not being a good dad, you leaving." I say and she smiles.

"Well, you are an amazing dad. And I'm still here, so you had nothing to worry about." She says and I smile and lean over to peck her lips.

"Thank you baby." I say when we pull away and she smiles and looks back down at Zara who is pretty invested in the paw patrol cartoon that's playing on the tv.

"What time are people supposed to be arriving?" Demi then asks after a couple minutes.

"At 12:30 or so. Our moms are coming earlier though to help set up." I say and she nods.

"I'm glad your family was able to make it out here." She says and I smile.

"Me too, but I don't think they would have missed her birthday for the world." I reply and she chuckles.

"That's true. Anyways, I'm gonna go wash my face and stuff." She says moving Zara off her lap then kissing her forehead before she gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom.

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