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Demi's POV

After we pulled up to my parents house I get out of the car and walk straight past everyone in the living room as I walk up the stairs and into my room I always stay in. Once I make it in there I slam my door and collapse onto the bed as I numbly stare at my wall. I eventually let out many tears as I start thinking about Zara and how I'm going to miss her first birthday completely and how Max absolutely hates me right now for stupid lies. I don't know how long I lay there crying, but before I know it I cried myself to sleep and I don't wake up again until I feel someone running their fingers through my hair. I look up and see Dallas sitting there staring at me sympathetically. I then notice how dark it is outside and in my room and I realize I slept all day.

"I brought you some food baby girl. You need to eat." Dallas says and I take a deep breath. Eating something is the last thing on my mind right now, but I know it's not healthy for the baby if I don't eat. I sit up and rest my back against the headboard as Dallas hands me a plate of chicken and rice with vegetables. I silently eat as Dallas sits next to me as she continues rubbing my back or playing with my hair. I appreciate her being here right now and not forcing anything, but I assume my mom told everybody what happened when I stormed into the house. Once I finish eating I set the plate down on the bedside table then pick up my phone. I see it's about 7:30 at night and I see a text notification from Rhonda. I click on the messages and see she sent about 30 pictures of Zara. I scroll through all of them as I see her having a blast at her party. However, when I see one of the last pictures of Zara eating her cake with frosting all over her I break down and let out a loud sob. Dallas takes me into her arms and tries to soothe me.

"I missed her party, all cause of some stupid asshole trying to ruin my life." I cry out and Dallas continues to rub my back.

"I know baby girl. I'm so sorry." Dallas says as she continues to soothe me. I don't know when, but I end up falling asleep and not waking up until the next morning at 6:40 am. I look next to me and see Dallas slept with me last night and I'm thankful for that. I slowly roll out of bed and go to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I'm done I place my hair in a bun then grab my phone and walk out of the room quietly. I slowly walk downstairs and all the way past the living room and kitchen to the backyard. I sit down at one of the chairs and stare out into the pool. I let a single tear slip then pull out my phone to go through my cameral roll. I find the pictures Angelo took of Zara last week for her birthday and I smile and decide to post one. I don't care about what Max said about me not being her mom. She is my daughter and I will wish her a happy birthday.

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