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Demi's POV

Throughout the next week I mainly just took time for myself in preparation for the hectic weeks to come. I also hung out with my friends at my apartment and before I know it I'm already on my second day of filming my music video and I have had a complete blast with everyone on set. Hannah Lux Davis is directing the music video and I absolutely love everything she did to really tell my story through a screen. I love the idea she came up with when I am fighting my bad side because that is literally what I do on the daily. I also loved how she took my idea of walking past my past life and how I'm accepting everything that came along with it. I love all the little Easter eggs we put into the video and I just love how creative the video is in general.

By the end of the shoot on the second day I filmed my last scene and that was a wrap! I was so excited to see the final product and I was so excited to have my closest friends with me.

"Thank you so much Hannah! It has been absolutely amazing working with you and I love what you did!" I say to Hannah as I go up to hug her

"Of course girl! I loved working with you as well! I loved putting your vision into real life and I hope to be working with you again soon!" She says and we pull away

"Obviously! Anytime I need a director you are the first person I'm calling!" I say and we chuckle. After a few more minutes of talking we go our separate ways and I go to my trailer to change into some sweats and take my makeup and hair extensions off. After I'm done changing and taking my extensions out I start taking my makeup off when there's a knock on my trailer door.

"Come in!" I shout from the chair in front of the vanity. Soon walks in Sirah and Matthew.

"Girl! This video is going to be so fucking sick! I can't wait!" Matthew immediately says and I laugh.

"Awe thank you! I can't wait either. Hannah really knows how to take someone's vision and put it into a reality." I say as they both sit on the couch behind me and I look at them through the mirror.

"I had so much fun Dems. Thank you so much for having us in it!" Sirah says and Matthew nods agreeing.

"Of course. You guys have been in my life forever and you and everyone else in it, you all mean the world to me. Especially you two!" I say smiling at them. We then continue talking and joking around as I finish taking my makeup off and washing my face. I then sit down on the couch with them while I wait for my security guard, Max, to come get me to leave.

"Soooo" Sirah says

"Soooo... what?" I ask confused

"Have you noticed all the comments someone is leaving on your recent posts?" She asks and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"I get a lot of comments Sirah, you're going to have to be a little more specific" I say chuckling and Matthew rolls his eyes.

"Oh for crying out loud. It's this really hot actor who has been leaving flirtatious comments on your posts lately." He says

"Who is he?" I ask still slightly confused as to why they're telling me this.

"His name is Max Ehrich and he is sooo hot" Sirah says pulling out her phone to then show me my own post that I posted on Instagram yesterday. She then goes into the comment section and low and behold there is a couple comments from this Max guy. It makes me smile at the compliments and I then take her phone out of her hands and click on his page.

"Fuck, he is hot." I whisper scrolling through his profile but they still hear me.

"Wait, wasn't he on that Netflix movie about that girl that got into an accident and loves to ride horses or something?" I ask them remembering seeing his face in a movie I watched with my parents and sisters last thanksgiving.

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