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Demi's PO

Over the next couple of weeks Max started moving into his new house and he's basically fully moved in, but he technically still lives in his apartment until his lease is up in a few days.

Today, I'm going to Ellen for an interview because my album comes out tomorrow night, but the interview will air tomorrow. I'm already backstage getting my hair and makeup done and Max is meeting me here with Zara in a little bit. He had to go take Zara to a checkup appointment this morning so he'll be here soon.

"So Dems, are you excited about your album coming out?" Jill, my makeup artist, asks me.

"Oh my god! Yes! I'm so fucking excited!" I say practically jumping up and down in my seat and both Jill and Paul chuckle.

"I'm so happy for you Demi, you've come a long way and your album definitely shows that." She says and I nod.

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to show case!" I reply smiling. Soon my phone rings and I look down to see Max FaceTiming me. I immediately smile and answer.

"Hey baby!" I say and I see him in his car driving while the phone is propped up.

"Hi love! We just got out of Zara's appointment so we're on our way now." He says and I smile.

"Okay, how did the appointment go?" I ask

"Great! The doctor said she looks absolutely perfect!" He says and I smile.

"That's good!" I say as I close my eyes while Jill starts on my eye shadow.

"Yeah! Do you want me to stop anywhere and get you something?" He asks and I think about it.

"Yeah actually, can you get me one of those green tea smoothies from that place we went to a few weeks ago?" I ask

"Yeah of course! It's actually right down the street from where I'm at. So, I'll pick it up and I'll probably be there in like 20-30 minutes, okay?" He says and I nod.

"Okay, thank you baby. Just let me know when you're here and I'll send Max out to go get you two." I say

"Alright love, I'll see you soon." He says

"Okay, bye baby. I love you." I say opening my eyes

"I love you too beautiful." He says looking right at me when he's at a red light I'm assuming and I blush slightly. We say our final goodbyes and hang up.

"You guys are like the perfect couple." Paul says and I blush.

"Thanks" I say smiling hard and they both laugh.

"I can't wait to see Zara! I haven't met her yet!" Jill says

"That's right! You haven't!" I say now realizing that Jill and Paul haven't met Zara yet. The door then opens and in walks Scooter.

"Hey Demi! How are you?" Scooter asks walking in and sitting on the couch behind me where Max, my security guard, is sitting.

"I'm good! I'm excited! How are you?" I ask looking at him through the mirror.

"Good! So the team and I were all thinking that tomorrow night we all go out to dinner and celebrate your album release! Are you free?" He says and I smile.

"Yeah! I am! Who's all going?" I ask

"The whole team will be there! Everyone happened to be in LA tomorrow night so they all wanted to come together and do something for you!" He says and I smile at how sweet that was.

"That's so cute! I'll definitely be there!" I say and he laughs.

"You better, because this dinner is for you." He says and I laugh out loud. "You can bring Zara also if you want." He says and I nod.

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