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Demi's POV

Today is April 16th, which means my song with Sam Smith is coming out in a couple hours! I'm so excited about our song coming out because it has always been a dream of mine to do a collaboration with Sam. Right now I'm out in the kitchen with Dallas while my mom makes lunch for us all. My dad is in his office and Maddie is in her room finishing school work. Max just finished working out so he went to take a shower. So it's just us 3 in the kitchen talking about anything and everything.

"Demi when do you think you and Max are going to confirm you're dating?" Dallas asks and I shrug.

"I don't know. Whenever Max is ready, but everyone pretty much knows we're together." I say grabbing something to drink out of the fridge.

"Yeah they do, so why are you waiting?" Dallas asks

"Because Max isn't quite ready, he wanted to slowly bring our relationship to social media and not just immediately blast everything online." I answer and she nods

"So you're just waiting for him basically?" My mom asks and I nod.

"Yeah, whenever he's ready, I'm ready. He's already getting enough hate as it is and he said he wants that to cool down a little bit before we start posting pictures together." I say making my way over to a barstool by the island and sit down.

"Oh yeah because of Selena, huh?" Dallas asks giving me a weird look and I shrug.

"It's not just that. But why are you making that face?" I ask curiously and she sighs.

"Don't get me wrong Dems. I think Max is a great guy, but don't you think it's a little weird how fascinated he was with Selena? Especially now that he's dating you when you guys don't talk anymore?" Dallas says and I roll my eyes.

"I could careless what he thinks of Selena. It's not like Selena and I hate each other, we just don't talk anymore. And plus why should I be worried about a celebrity crush he had, when I've had many many celebrity crushes." I say glaring at her

"Okay, just making sure." Dallas answers and I slightly roll my eyes once again and look down at my phone. For some reason Dallas has been really snappy with me for the past week or so and it's starting to annoy me. I don't know what it is but it needs to stop because I'm getting tired of it. After a couple minutes of scrolling aimlessly through my phone I feel a hand on my hip from behind and a kiss on the side of my head and I turn to see Max and I smile.

"Hi baby, lunch is almost ready." I tell him and he smiles at me.

"You said that as if you are making lunch Demi." My mom says smirking and I laugh and shrug my shoulders. I then stand up and walk towards the fridge.

"What do you want to drink babe?" I ask Max turning towards him.

"I'll just have a water, thank you beautiful." He says sitting down on a barstool and I smile and grab a water bottle for him. When I walk back to him instead of sitting on the barstool next to him I stand next to him but soon he turns slightly and pulls me so I'm standing in between his legs and my back to his chest. I smile and grab one of his hands while his other arm is around my stomach hugging me and I turn slightly to kiss his cheek.

"Awe! That was the cutest picture ever!" I hear Maddie squeal so I turn in her direction to see her looking down at her phone.

"Let me see!" I say and she walks over to us and shows me her phone and I smile hard at how cute Max and I look in the picture.

"That's cute! Send this to me!" I tell her and she nods and quickly sends it to me before placing her phone down on the counter.

"Can you send it to me later baby?" Max asks me

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