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Demi's POV

I wake up to a loud cry and I jump up slightly and see it's still dark out. The cry gets louder and I look over to the baby monitor to see Zara screaming in her crib. I jump out of bed and throw on my underwear and one of Max's t shirts.

"Baby, wake up!" I say slightly shouting and then I rush out of the room when I see him move and I go down the hall to Zara's room. She never cries like this and it really scared me. Once I get in her room I go to her crib and immediately pick her up.

"Mommy's here baby girl." I say rocking her but she doesn't settle and that's when I notice how warm she is. I then hear Max rush in her room.

"What's wrong with her?" He asks worriedly as he grabs her hand.

"I don't know, but she's so warm. We need to take her temperature." I say and he nods. We walk to our room with her still crying hard in my arms and I lay her down on the bed. Max goes into the bathroom and grabs the thermometer before coming back out and we take her temperature while the dogs sit at the end of the bed curiously watching.

"Oh my god." Max whispers after the thermometer beeps.

"What? What is it?" I ask worried.

"104.6, we need to get her to the hospital." He says standing up to put on a shirt and pants since he only had on his boxers. Once he's done I throw on a pair of leggings while he gets Zara in her car seat. Once we're done we rush downstairs and as we walk past the couch I grab her blanket and pacifier as well as her diaper bag that was by the door. We then rush to his car and I decide to sit in the backseat next to Zara while Max gets in the drivers seat and starts driving out of the driveway and to the hospital.

"Mommy's here princess." I say running my fingers over her hair and down her cheek as she continues crying.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask choking on my words as I start tearing up.

"I don't know baby." Max answers worriedly as he looks at me through the rear view mirror then back to the rode. I look down at my phone and see it's almost 1 in the morning. I continue rubbing Zara's hand and rubbing my fingers over her hair in attempt to calm her down, but nothing works. She screams the whole way to the hospital which just makes the drive seem so much longer. When we finally pull up to the emergency room Max and I rush out of the car with him carrying her car seat while I carry her diaper bag. We practically run inside and nurses immediately turn in our direction when they here Zara's screams. They walk over our way and look down at Zara.

"What's going on here?" One of the nurses asks as the others start taking her out of her car seat and checking her heart beat with the stethoscope.

"We don't know, we just woke up to her screaming and her temperature was almost at 105 so we brought her here." Max chokes out since I'm in shock and can't really talk.

"Okay. We need to get her back in a room and hooked up to an IV for some fluids. I know you guys don't want to hear this, but you need to wait in the waiting room for now. We will try to be as quick as possible and then come get you guys." The nurse says and I shake my head not wanting to leave her but I feel Max wrap one arm around my shoulders as I lean into him.

"Okay." He whispers and I start crying.

"What's her name?" The nurse asks.

"Zara Ehrich." Max answers and she nods as all the other nurses give us sympathetic gazes and they take Zara back. Max leads us to the waiting room and we fall down into the chairs.

"She has to be okay." I say in Max's chest as he rubs my back.

"She will be." He says but it sounds like he's also trying to convince himself. We wait there for almost an hour when we start getting restless. I stand up and start pacing while Max puts his head in his hands.

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