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Demi's POV

Once I get off of the phone with Max I let out a giddy laugh and walk out to the living room where everyone is besides my mom who's in the kitchen cleaning up.

"Any news with Max?" My dad asks and my mom looks in my direction.

"I just got off of FaceTime with him, he's a dad to a little girl." I say smiling big

"Wow a little girl, I guess I get to teach him all about fathering girls." My dad says and I laugh and nod.

"She's so beautiful you guys, he showed me her on FaceTime. She looks just like him, she's just so precious." I say smiling and plopping down on the couch and soon my mom follows and sits next to me.

"I can't wait to see her, when is he going to be here?" My mom asks

"He had to fill out the birth certificate after we hung up, so he should be leaving the hospital pretty soon. Which reminds me I need to ask my assistant if she can go to the store and get some things for her. Wait, you guys are completely sure she can stay here with us?" I say changing the subject multiple times and my sisters laugh.

"Yes Demi, she can stay here. But how is Max getting her home. He didn't have a car seat." My mom says

"The hospital gave him a brand new one and he's getting extra diapers and formula until we can get more from the store." I answer while I text my assistant to pick up a few things and she happily obliged.

"That was nice." My mom says and I nod. My phone then goes off and I look down to see a message from Max saying he's on his way back.

"He just left the hospital." I say smiling

"What's her name by the way. You never said." Dallas says and I smile.

"I'm not going to say. I'll let Max tell you guys when they get here." I say grinning

"I wanna know though!" Maddie whines and I laugh

"And you will know, in like 20-30 minutes." I say and she rolls her eyes and I laugh

"He actually had to name her, because the mom left the hospital without naming her or signing the birth certificate. We were on the phone going back and forth on names." I tell everybody.

"That's crazy that she could just leave her daughter not caring what happens to her." My mom says shaking her head and I nod.

"I know, I'm just glad that she has Max now. He's going to be an amazing dad." I say smiling down at my hands.

"That little girl will also have us." My mom says patting my knee and I smile and lean my head on her shoulder. We then  all focus our attention on the TV and about 20 minutes later I hear a car pull up and I smile and stand up and practically float to the front door while my family follows. I open the door just in time to see Max getting out of his car and he smiles at me as I make my way to his car while my family stays in the house.

"Hi baby!" I say leaning to peck his lips when I get close enough.

"Hi my love." He says and I follow him as he turns and walks to the backseat.

"Oh my god! I can't wait to see her!" I say excitedly and he chuckles.

"I can tell, I can also tell everyone else is excited." He says nodding his head towards the open door as my whole family waits with big smiles and I chuckle.

"They are very excited." I say and he opens the door and I immediately see Zara sleeping In her car seat. Max gets her out while I open the trunk where he said the rest of the stuff is and I carried that while Max carried Zara and we walked back in the house. Once we make it inside I put the stuff on the kitchen counter while everyone walks to the couches. I then make my way to the couches and sit down right next to Max.

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