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Time Skip: 1 month

Max's POV

Over the past few weeks, Zara got better after a few days and was back to her normal self. Demi went to London that next week and came back a week later. Demi fully moved in the week she came back from London and her sister moved in to her apartment. It's now Demi's birthday and I woke up early this morning to set up something special for Demi in the living room. Then I got Zara when she woke up and fed her. I'm now in the kitchen making breakfast for Demi while she's still sleeping and Zara is laying in the rocker watching me.

"Guess what princess?" I ask looking over at her as she plays with her hands. "It's mommy's birthday!" I say and she smiles big. I walk over to her and bend down to kiss her cheek quickly causing her to giggle then I go back to the food. I'm making pancakes with turkey bacon and fruit. The turkey bacon is already finished and the fruit is cut up so I'm just making the last of the pancakes before I put everything on plates. Once I'm done making the pancakes I put everything on plates then I set it up on a tray to carry it all on and then I grab some extra roses that I didn't use for Demi's surprise in the living room and I place those on top of the tray before I bend down and grab Zara. I carry her in my left arm while I hold the tray with the other.

"Wanna go wake up mommy?" I ask kissing her cheeks and she giggles. I smile and bounce her slightly in my arms as I walk back to our room. I open the door and see her still peacefully sleeping on the bed and I smile. I lay down the tray of food on the nightstand next to the bed before I grab the roses and place them next to her on the bed. Then I pull out my phone and quickly take a picture just cause I can and wanted to. I then lay Zara down half way on Demi and she starts cooing and giggling causing Demi to flutter her eyes open.

"Say happy birthday mommy!" I say bending down slightly to tickle Zara causing her to burst out laughing. Demi smiles big before she fully rolls over and grabs Zara in her arms to kiss her all over causing Zara to laugh harder. She then sees the roses and the breakfast and looks up at me.

"Happy birthday baby." I say bending down to kiss her lips and she smiles in the kiss as she brings one hand up to my cheek while the other still holds Zara.

"Thank you so much! This is so cute baby." She says sitting up more and I smile.

"Zara helped." I say and she smiles down at Zara.

"Did you help daddy princess?" She asks tickling her and kissing her all over and I smile at them. I then grab the tray of food and set it down in front of Demi and then I get in on the other side of the bed. Demi lays Zara down in the middle of us and we both start eating.

"This is so cute baby. Thank you." She says after a few minutes and I smile over at her.

"You don't have to thank me love. Today is your day, so be prepared to be spoiled." I say leaning over to kiss her cheek and she giggles.

"Like you don't spoil me any other day." She says looking over at me and I laugh.

"Well, be prepared to be even more spoiled today." I say grabbing her chin and lifting her head up more so I can kiss her. "I love you." I mumble against her lips and she smiles big.

"I love you too handsome." She replies causing my smile to grow. We then look down at Zara when she squeals and throws her hands up.

"Awe, I love you too princess." Demi says bending down to kiss her and she smiles big. I laugh and slightly shake my head at how big of a mommy's girl Zara is. Demi and I continue talking and eating and when we finish eating I move the tray of food to the end of the bed while Demi picks Zara back up.

"Zara, do you want to give mommy her presents." I ask tickling her tummy and she giggles. I smile and lean down to kiss her then look up at Demi.

"I'll be right back." I say kissing her cheek and she smiles. I get out of bed and I go to the closet to grab two smaller presents that I got for Demi. One from me and the other from Zara. I grab the two small bags and go back to the bed to see Demi and Zara still cuddling and I smile and get in bed next to them. I wrap one arm around Demi's shoulders as she leans in to me and I hand her one of the presents.

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