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Demi's POV

It's been a little over two weeks since Max and I have been at my parents house and it's going amazing. My family loves having Max around and I love how close they have all gotten. It's about 1 pm today and we all just got done eating then Max and I sit down on the couches while the rest of my family all do their own thing.

"You guys have a nice piano." He says rubbing my back and I smile

"Mmhmm, you know how to play right?" I ask him

"Yeah." He answers

"Play something, I wanna hear you sing anyways." I say sitting up to face him

"Nooo" he whines slightly and I chuckle

"Why not?" I ask pouting but still smiling

"Because I'll get nervous playing in front of you." He says and I smile at how cute he is

"Please baby! Please please please!" I say begging and he laughs and rolls his eyes

"Fine, but only because you look really cute right now." He says and I jump up

"Yay! Come on" I say helping him stand up and I lead him to the piano. He sits down on the bench and I stand facing him and leaning against the piano. He starts playing a melody and soon starts singing Yellow by Coldplay and I smile so hard at how amazing he sounds. After he's done singing he looks down and I clap my hands and move to wrap my arms around him.

"You sounded amazing baby! I loved it!" I say kissing his cheek and he finally looks up and I caress his cheek.

"Thank you beautiful." He responds and leans up to kiss my lips.

"Okay, that was the cutest shit I've ever seen." I hear which makes us pull away and I turn to see Dallas staring at us and I blush slightly. I then see her holding her phone up.

"Did you take a picture?" I ask her and she shakes her head no.

"Nope, a video. And it's the cutest thing ever." She says squealing and I walk over to her.

"Let me see." I say when I get close enough and she hands me her phone. I press play and see Max singing and then when I hugged him and kissed him. I feel Max's hands on my waist from behind me and I lean back.

"This is cute, can you send it to me?" I ask her and she nods and takes her phone back to send it to me.

"Send it to me after." Max says looking down at me and I nod and turn to face him and wrap my arms around him.

"You sounded incredible, I want to hear you sing all the time now." I say giving him a cheeky smile and he chuckles but nods anyways.

"Anything for you baby." He responds and kisses my forehead and I smile up at him. The three of us then sit on the couches.

"Let's play a board game!" Dallas suddenly says and I laugh out loud

"I don't mind" I say and Max says the same so Dallas gets up to grab a game and she also comes back with my mom and Madison.

"We're going to play Monopoly" Dallas says sitting down and we all huddle around the coffee table in front of the couch. We talk and play for almost 2 hours when the game is finally finished and Max won.

"I can't believe you won." I say leaning back into Max's arms as he wraps them around me.

"What do you mean you can't believe it?" He says chuckling

"I'm just surprised, normally my mom or I win." I say and he laughs

"You're underestimating my Monopoly skills love." He says kissing the top of my head and I giggle and look up to kiss his lips.

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