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Time Skip: 1 month

Demi's POV

It's been a little over a month since we found out about Zara and it was a little rough at first especially at night when Zara wouldn't eat and then she would cry because she would be hungry. We came to the conclusion that Zara would get really bad gas at night when my mom told us about Maddie having that same problem, she then told us about gas drops and they were a miracle.

Max and I are still at my parents house but we are actually leaving today because everything reopened and the quarantine got lifted last week. However, Max and I wanted to stay an extra few days just in case, but today is finally the day we're leaving. We started packing everything back up a few days ago, but today we are finishing packing Zara's stuff.

It's about 9:30 this morning and Zara is taking her first nap of the day while Max and I pack up her stuff in the living room.

"Babe, what should we do about the crib?" Max asks me as he folds Zara's clothes next to me.

"I don't know, are you going to get her a new one for your place?" I ask him

"Yeah, I want to do a whole nursery for her and what I have in mind won't go with the style of the crib. Plus I want something bigger for her." He tells me

"Why don't I take it then? I can put it in my guest room and do a little room for her so when you guys come over she has somewhere comfortable to sleep?" I suggest and he smiles at me.

"That's a great idea baby! I'll de assemble it so we have more room in the car." He says walking behind me and he wraps his arms around me and I giggle.

"Okay baby, ask my dad to help." I say and he nods and I feel him kiss my neck and I giggle more.

"Alright, you okay doing the rest of her stuff?" He asks me and I nod.

"Yup, I'm almost done anyways." I answer turning to peck his lips. We both smile when we pull away and Max kisses my cheek before he walks away to go ask my dad to help him take down the crib. Pretty soon my mom walks in the living room to help me with Zara's stuff while Dallas is outside by the pool and Maddie is doing school work.

"Are you excited to go home?" My mom asks picking up one of Zara's outfits to start folding, then places it in the suitcase.

"Yes and No. I'm excited because I get to be in my own place, but I'm kind of sad that I won't see you guys everyday. Even Max, we haven't really spent time apart since we became official and I know there's going to be days where we both have to do something and I won't be able to see him or Zara." I say finishing folding the last piece of clothing for Zara.

"I know Demi, but you guys will be alright. I'm sure you guys will still see each other as much as possible." She tells me patting my knee before she stands up and I follow her lead so we can collect Zara's diapers, formula, and bottles to also place in the suitcase and then we zip it up and I sit back down.

"I know, it will just suck not being able to wake up to them some mornings. I got so used to that and I love it." I say smiling and my mom smiles back.

"I know you do, but don't stress about it. You guys will all be fine and I'm sure you will still see each other at least once a day or every other day." My mom says and I nod.

"What about when I start traveling again? My album is going to be finished soon." I say sighing.

"You guys will figure it out Demi. I promise." She says giving me a reassuring smile and I relax a little bit.

"Where is Max by the way? And Eddie?" My mom asks looking around and I chuckle.

"They're taking down the crib. Max and I decided I'm going to take the crib and make a little room for Zara in my guest room so when they're at my place Zara has somewhere comfortable to sleep." I answer and she smiles.

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