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Demi's POV

Today is the first day of tour and I'm starting in LA. Right now we are all on our way to the arena for rehearsals then some of my fans are going to come in for a Q&A, kind of like what I did for my Neon Lights tour, then I'll do meet and greets and get ready for the show. I'm kind of nervous since I haven't had a full blown concert in awhile, but I know as soon as I get on that stage I will be perfectly okay. About 20 minutes later we pull up to the back entrance of the arena and we all get out and meet my security guard at the door. Max carries Zara while I hold her diaper bag and we all walk to the dressing room and we get settled. Max and I brought a lot of toys for Zara to keep her occupied as well as a baby gate to keep her contained since she is crawling so much now. Max and I will turn around for a split second and Zara will already be in the next room so we definitely have to keep a close eye on her.

"Baby, you wanna watch rehearsals?" I ask Max as he tickles Zara on the couch and I smile at them.

"Yeah, I'm sure Zara will enjoy it too." Max says standing up with Zara and then we all walk out to the stage where Scooter is.

"Hey Scooter!" I say giving him a hug.

"Hey, how are you?" He asks when we pull away.

"Good, excited." I say and he smiles then says hi to Max and Zara. I then get up on stage and go through rehearsals while Max sits in the front row with Zara in his lap. They both watch me throughout and I absolutely loved how invested Zara looked.

"5 minutes everybody." The stage manager Rick says. I walk up to the edge of the stage and sit down with my feet hanging off of it.

"You like it so far?" I ask Max and he immediately nods.

"It's awesome. You sound amazing baby. I can't wait to watch the actual show tonight." He says and I smile and my smile grows even wider when Zara starts to squeal while throwing her arms up and I chuckle.

"You like it too princess?" I ask and she smiles big. I chuckle then I bring my attention over to Scooter who seems to be having a very important conversation with someone on the other side of the stage and I furrow my brows.

"Rick, do you know who that is that's talking to Scooter?" I ask him as he walks by and he looks over in there direction then shakes his head.

"Sorry, I don't. I can try and find out for you though." He says and I shake my head.

"No, it's okay. Thank you though." I say smiling over at him and he nods and walks away.

"I wonder who that is." I say looking back over to Max as he bounces Zara up and down.

"Don't worry about it baby. If it regards you then Scooter will tell you." He says and I nod knowing he's right.

"Okay, lets get back to it everybody!" Rick shouts after a couple more minutes and I smile over at Max and Zara once more before I stand back up and walk to the middle of the stage and I finish rehearsals. Once I'm done with rehearsals we all go back stage so I can get my glam done for the Q&A then meet and greets. I sit in the chair in front of the vanity while I watch through the mirror as Max and Zara play together. Scooter soon walks in and he sits down on one of the chairs and immediately goes on his phone and starts typing. He looks a little stressed and I wonder if it was from that talk he was having with that guy.

"You okay Scooter?" I ask and he looks up at me and nods.

"Yeah." He says, but I don't believe him. I however, just let it go for now since there are a lot of people in here and I continue getting my hair and makeup done. Once Paul and Jill are finished I go over to the closet to change since I was in sweats. I start getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a black band tee, that's actually Max's, but that's not the point. I then put on my necklace that Zara got me for my birthday and then I put on my black heals and walk back out into the main part of the dressing room to see Paul and Jill have left and it's just Scooter, Max, and Zara left. I sit down on the couch next to Max and take Zara from him so I can hold her then I look over at Scooter who is still typing aggressively on his phone.

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