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Demi's POV

The next morning I woke up to my dogs licking my face.

"Good morning babies" I say opening my eyes to see them both look right down at me. I sit up and pet them then grab my phone to see it's a little past 10 am. I decide to get up and I walk to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I'm done I walk out to my kitchen with my dogs following closely behind me and I feed them then start making myself some oatmeal for breakfast. While it was warming up I hear someone knock at my door and I'm confused because no one is supposed to be coming here today besides Max, but that's in a few hours. I walk up to my door and look in the peephole to see my mom and older sister Dallas. I open up the door and they walk in and we give each other hugs.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask them making my way back to the kitchen when the microwave beeps.

"Just wanted to come by and see how you were" My mom replies as I pull out my oatmeal and I start eating.

"Oh okay, you're going to have to leave in a little bit though" I tell them and they both scrunch their eyebrows in confusion

"Why?" Dallas asks

"Because someone is coming over later to hangout" I say trying to be discreet

"Why so secretive?" Dallas asks

"I'm not being secretive" I say chuckling

"Well if your not, then who is this someone?" She asks and I sigh

"Just someone I'm talking to, and before you ask we're just friends" I say and my mom gasps

"Now I really want to know who!" My mom says and I laugh.

"Nooo" I say giggling

"Why not? Is it a guy or girl? Are they cute?" Dallas asks smirking at me

"Guy, and yes he's very cute" I say smirking back at her

"Why can't we know who?" Dallas asks

"Cause, nothing is going to happen anyways. Yes, he's cute and sweet, but if something were to come out of this then I wouldn't even have time anyways cause I'm going to get really busy." I tell them as I finish up eating my oatmeal and I start rinsing out the bowl.

"Then what are you even doing hanging out with him today? Aren't you just giving him false hope?" My mom asks and I shrug

"We're just getting to know each other. That's all." I say leading us to the couches and we all sit down.

"Can we please see a picture of him? I'm sure you have him on Instagram. Please?" Dallas asks pouting and I roll my eyes but still smile slightly as I unlock my phone and go to Instagram.

"Fine" I say laughing and I pull up his page and hand my phone to Dallas as she scrolls through my phone as my mom also looks down at it.

"Oh my god! He was in that Netflix movie 'Walk. Ride. Rodeo' wasn't he?" My mom asks and I nod

"Yeah" I say smiling at them

"Awe he's so cute!" My mom says and I chuckle

"Yeah, he's hot Dems" Dallas says and I laugh out loud and then my phone goes off

"Oooohhh it's Max" Dallas says and I stand up trying to grab my phone but she doesn't let me.

"Dallas stop!" I say laughing slightly but still annoyed.

"Good morning beautiful, I can't wait to see you later he said. Awee he put a heart emoji, you're definitely giving this guys hopes up. You need to tell him if you don't see anything coming out of this" Dallas says and she finally hands me my phone and I quickly reply.

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