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Demi's POV

After I had Ezra, he still had to stay in the hospital for awhile because he was born so early and didn't weigh enough to go home. I was sent home a few days later, but Max and I visited Ezra everyday in the NICU. It sucked though, because Zara couldn't come into the NICU because she was too young, so she didn't get to meet Ezra until we were able to bring him home six weeks later. It was the cutest thing ever when she first saw Ezra when we brought him home. She was so excited and kept pointing at him while repeating 'bu-bu' over and over. 'Bu-bu' is what she calls him, because she can't pronounce his name yet. We sat her next to me on the couch when Max carried Ezra over so she can hold him with my help. She immediately bent down and kissed his forehead and I almost burst into tears at the sight. Zara absolutely adores her baby brother and is always checking on him and making sure he's okay. She's also extremely protective of him already and won't allow the dogs near him which I think is adorable.

After I had Ezra, Max and I became a lot closer if that was even possible. Once I got sent home we actually had a really long discussion about the whole thing which included both laughs and tears. Max and I are like the perfect duo and we haven't had any of the slightest arguments since the one about Tony. He still feels bad about what he accused me of and continues to make it up to me everyday, even if I told him that I'm over it and he should be to. Although, some days I'm not complaining when he's making up for that argument because he'll constantly be giving me back rubs or letting me sleep in. He has also taken a lot of time off from working on his album since we had Ezra which I do appreciate because it's hard taking care of two little ones.

In May, we celebrated Mother's Day which was technically my first Mother's Day because last year Max and I hadn't had the conversation if I'm considered Zara's mom or not yet. It was so amazing, because Max let me sleep in and he and Zara made breakfast for me and brought it to the room. They got me pink roses and a bracelet that had both my babies names on it. He also got me a frame with three pictures inside. Each one of the pictures had both the kids with Zara holding a letter in each which spelled out 'Mom'. I absolutely loved the frame and had Max hang it up right in that moment above the dresser in our room. The rest of that day we cuddled up and watched movies together before going to my moms that night for dinner. Only a week later, Dallas and Mike welcomed their baby girl Ensley Rae. She is absolutely adorable and is so tiny. Her and Ezra are literally the same exact size since he was born so early and we joke that they are really just twins since they do have some of the same features that Dallas and I share.

The next month came, and the day before Father's Day I sent my dad, Max and Mike to a country club to spend the day together as fathers and to go golfing. I invited Max's dad, Bruce, to fly out, but he had work related things and couldn't come. They all spent the day at the country club and we all met back up at my parents house for a barbecue dinner and to hang out in the pool. Later that night we went home and put both the kids to bed then I prepared a bath for Max and I since I wanted to do something special for him. Also because I had just gotten the clear from my doctor that I could have sex again and I definitely wanted to treat Max since we went three and a half months with no sex. We both had a lot of built up tension, but after only two rounds Ezra woke up for a feeding. After he was done eating Max and I fell asleep from the exhausting day. The next morning I did the same thing Max did for Mother's Day and got up with the kids to make him breakfast in bed. It's kind of crazy because before I met Max, I couldn't even boil water and now I can make full on meals. Max taught me a lot when we were first dating, then I kind of had to go all in and learn a lot when Zara got older and started eating real food. Max and I even went to a couple cooking classes together and I learned a lot from those as well. For breakfast I made French toast and bacon with a side of fruit with Zara's help of course. We brought it to the room and Max was actually surprised even though I thought he would know what I was up to. We all ate in bed and I gave Max his present from the kids which was a new watch with now both the kids names on the back. He absolutely loved it and put it on right away. A couple weeks later was Max's 30th birthday and I planned a surprise party for him. I told him that we were just going to go to dinner that night and my mom would watch the kids. Little did he know that when my mom came to pick up the kids she was just driving straight to where the dinner party was going to be. I even flew out his family since he hasn't seen them since April. All of our friends and family were there and when we walked in it was pitch black. Then the lights all the sudden switched on and everyone yelled 'Surprise' which ultimately scared Ezra and he started crying. He was fine though when I took him out of my moms arms and gave him a couple kisses. Max was so surprised and we all ate dinner together and had cake. After dinner, our parents left and took all the kids to my parents house to spend the night while Max and I and all of our friends and siblings went to Six Flags that night. The dinner ended at around 6 pm since I didn't want the kids to get tired so we got to Six Flags at around 7 pm and all stayed until it closed. I was so happy to see Max having so much fun and we went home that night and had mind blowing sex until the early morning.

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