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Demi's POV

My first show was absolutely amazing and I loved looking out to the side of the stage to see Max and Zara with my parents. My sisters couldn't be there because Maddie is in school and Dallas was going to Texas with her boyfriend to see his family. It still meant a lot to me to see them out there and I know my sisters will come to at least one of my shows. After my show was over I came off stage my adrenaline high as I run to Max and give him a hug and kiss as well as Zara. She tiredly reaches for me and I smile and kiss her forehead as she lays her head on my chest. I then hug my parents and we all walk backstage and into my dressing room.

"Baby, Wilmer texted you back when you were on stage." Max tells me as he hands me my phone since he was holding onto it. I take a deep breath and unlock my phone and go into my messages.

From Wilmer: Of Course! I'm free to talk whenever you are. Just let me know.

To Wilmer: Okay, I actually just started my tour tonight so maybe we can talk some day over the phone.

From Wilmer: Alright, call me anytime Dem.

I sigh and lock my phone before laying it on the table.

"What did he say baby?" Max asks me as I hand him Zara so I can change.

"He said I can call him whenever so we can talk. I'll probably call him within the next couple of days." I say starting to take off my makeup. Then, the door opens and my parents walk in followed by Scooter.

"Hi sweetheart! You did amazing!" My mom says and I chuckle and give her a hug.

"Thank you mom!" I say pulling away then I hug my dad and Scooter. I then finish taking my makeup off while Max feeds Zara since she's about to fall asleep. Once I'm done taking my makeup off I change back into what I was wearing for meet and greets then sit down on the couch next to Max and Zara. I then take Zara from him once she's done eating so I can rock her to sleep since I won't be seeing her for awhile.

"Goodnight baby girl. Mommy loves you." I whisper then kiss her head as her eyes close.

"You have to get on the bus right now Dems." Scooter says and I sigh and nod. We then all stand up and grab everything before we walk towards the back of the arena and outside where the busses are. I hug my parents and say goodbye before they leave and head to there car leaving Max, Zara and I.

"I don't wanna leave." I whisper as tears fill my eyes.

"I know baby." Max says wrapping his arms around me while I keep Zara in my arms as she sleeps. He rubs my back up and down while I lay my head on his chest. "We will see you in two weeks in Texas baby. Time will fly and we will call you everyday." He says and I nod as I let a few tears fall.

"I love you so much baby." I say pulling away and he smiles and caresses my cheek.

"I love you so much more." He whispers before bringing me in for a kiss. Once we pull away I bend down to kiss Zara once more before Max takes her from me and places her in her car seat.

"Demi, it's time to go." Jordan says walking out the bus and I nod and turn back to Max as he holds Zara in her car seat.

"Call me when you get home, okay?" I say wrapping my arms around his shoulders while one of his wraps around my waist.

"I will baby. I love you." He says kissing my neck and I smile and pull away to kiss his lips.

"I love you too. I'll see you in two weeks." I say bringing my hand to his cheek and running my fingers over his stubble.

"See you in two weeks baby." He says back and I smile and peck his lips one final time before I bend down to kiss Zara once more.

"I love you princess." I whisper then pull away and hug Max one final time before I walk onto the bus. I wipe away the few fallen tears before I go to the back of the bus and I lay down on the bed. The bus started moving a few minutes later and about 30 minutes after that Max called me and we talked for a little while before we hung up since we were both tired.

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