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Demi's POV

Throughout the next week Max and I saw each other as often as we could, but there was a couple days where I had to go into the studio and Max had to go and do something so we weren't able to see each other everyday. During the week however, I started ordering a bunch of stuff online for Zara. I had only planned on getting a few things but then I got a little excited and ended up ordering anything I came across.

Today, Max is coming to pick me up so we can go to the store so Max can pick things out for Zara's nursery and he wanted me to go, but while I wait for him to get here I start going through packages that have come in the mail throughout the past couple of days. I notice a lot of it is the stuff I started ordering for Zara and I smile at how cute everything is. I then take all of Zara's stuff and put it into the guest room which will be Zara's room soon. So far, I have a crib, a few shelves, a white rug, and a changing table that I still have to build as well as everything else I ordered. I still have a few more things for Zara that I'm waiting on. I also got some clothes for her as well as diapers because I want Max and Zara to feel comfortable when they're over here without Max having to pack a whole bag for her anytime they come over.

I then hear a knock at my door and my dogs barking and I smile immediately and walk out of Zara's soon to be room and make my way to the door. I open it up and see Max standing there holding Zara in her car seat and I immediately wrap my arms around Max after I close the door because I didn't see him yesterday.

"Hi baby." I say as I pull away and I peck his lips a few times.

"Hi my love." He replies caressing my hip and I smile and bend down so I can see Zara in her car seat wide awake and staring at me with her dads beautiful brown eyes.

"Hi baby girl! I missed you princess." I say in a high pitched voice and she smiles as she spits out her pacifier. I smile big and caress her chubby cheek with my finger.

"She loves you so much I swear." Max says and I smile and stand up straight again.

"Why do you say that?" I ask chuckling slightly and we walk into my kitchen and he placed her car seat on the island as I grab my phone and purse.

"Because she was grumpy all day, but the minute she sees you she's the happiest baby." He tells me and I smile big and make my way in front of Zara on the counter.

"We're you being grumpy for daddy?" I ask and she smiles and I laugh. I then feels Max hug me from behind and kiss my cheek.

"The grumpiest, but she's happy now when she sees her mommy." Max says and I smile so big and turn around in his arms. That was the first time Max has referred to me as Zara's mom and I couldn't be happier.

"What's got you all smiley?" He asks kissing my forehead and I giggle slightly.

"That was the first time you referred to me as her mom. I loved it." I say and he smiles down at me.

"I loved it also baby." He replies then leans down to kiss my lips but we pull away when we hear Zara start to make noises and coo. We turn back to face her and see her staring at us with her wide brown eyes. We chuckle then I put my shoes on to get ready to leave.

"Do you want to change her diaper or anything before we leave?" I ask him

"I changed it right before we left so she should be good for awhile. You ready love?" Max responds and I nod. I then make sure my dogs are good then we head out and walk down to the garage. Max opens the door for me and I get into the passenger seat. He then closes the door and walks around the other side and puts Zara in the car right behind him. Once Zara is secured in Max then gets in the drivers side and grabs my hand that's on my thigh and intertwines our fingers. We talk and listen to music the whole ride to the baby store. Once we arrive Max and I get out of the car and I go to the back seat to get Zara while Max gets her stroller out of his trunk. Once we get Zara in the stroller we then walk into the store. I push Zara in her stroller while Max gets a cart and we walk back towards the nursery decor.

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