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Demi's POV

We have been at the party for over an hour now and it's about 10 pm. So far we haven't run into anybody that I'm not friends with anymore, but Dave O did warn me that he invited Nick, Joe, and Kevin and that they will probably bring their wives along with Wilmer and his girlfriend. I told him that it was okay and that I figured they would be invited and that I would just try my best to avoid them. Mike and Dallas ended up going off and doing their own thing at the party and are now dancing while Max and I are standing against a table as we talk to a few people.

"Let's go dance baby." Max whispers in my ear after the people left and I nod and let him grab my hand as he leads me to the dance floor. We dance together while I practically grind on him when the song changes to Partition by Beyoncé. Max wraps his arms around my waist from behind and I chuckle as he starts kissing on the back of my neck. However, I freeze slightly when I see Wilmer looking directly at me from the front of the building.

"You okay baby?" Max asks turning me around in his arms and I nod and take a deep breath.

"Yeah, I just saw Wilmer over there staring at me. It caught me off guard." I say continuing to dance with him and he nods and looks past my shoulder.

"Why don't we get some water or something?" He says and I nod so he leads me off the dance floor while holding my hand and we walk towards the bar area.

"Two waters please." He asks the bartender and he nods and walks away to grab them. Max then sits down on one of the stools and brings me into him so I can stand in between his legs.

"You're so beautiful baby." Max says caressing my hips and I blush hard.

"Thank you love. You're so handsome as well." I reply wrapping my arms around his shoulders and playing with his hair. He smiles up at me and I lean down to peck his lips. We pull away when the bartender brings back our waters and we smile thankfully and we both take a few sips out of our water.

"I have to leave for tour in a few days." I say pouting slightly.

"I know baby, but Zara and I will be at your first show since it's in LA and then I'll meet you in Texas in two weeks to see your Houston and Dallas show." He says keeping one arm wrapped around my waist while the other lays on the counter of the bar.

"I know, but two weeks is a long time without you and Zara. I'm going to miss you guys so much." I say bringing one hand up to his cheek and he smiles.

"We're going to miss you too." He sighs and I lean down to peck his lips however we pull away this time when I hear a familiar voice causing me to roll my eyes.

"Demi, can I talk to you?" I hear Wilmer say and I turn around still against Max and I see him standing there alone.

"What do you want?" I ask slightly irritated that he had to come over here and ruin my night.

"I just wanted to apologize." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Okay, you apologized. Now can we end this?" I say and I feel Max squeeze my hip slightly probably telling me to be nice.

"No we can't. I just wanted to explain myself for everything that has happened." He says looking down slightly and I feel kind of bad, but then I remember everything he did to me.

"And you think a Halloween party is a good time to do that?" I ask crossing my arms and he sighs and looks back up at me.

"This seems like the only time I will be able to talk to you since I never see you anymore and you blocked my number." He says and I sigh.

"Go talk to him baby." Max says in my ear and I turn slightly so I can see him raising his brows at me urging me to go.

"You sure?" I ask and he nods giving me a smile.

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