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Demi's POV

Over the next couple of weeks I had time off before my album came out and I started traveling. So, during that time Max started looking at houses online and he had a few he wanted to see in person so he got in contact with the realtor his friend knows and we both started looking at the houses yesterday. I could tell Max really loved one of them and to be honest so did I, but he hasn't made a final decision yet. Today, Max is at my apartment and we are making lunch while Zara is taking a nap in her room I did for her.

"Did you like any of the houses that we looked at yesterday baby?" I ask him as I sit on the counter near him.

"I did actually, the third house I really loved. It has a nice backyard and a pool and it's also kid friendly. I loved it." He says as he pulls our food out of the oven when it beeps.

"I liked that house too, it was definitely my favorite. Are you going to make an offer?" I ask as I jump off the counter to get us both something to drink.

"Yeah, I'm going to do it later. I have two more weeks before my lease is up, so hopefully they'll accept it and I can move in." He says and I nod.

"I'm sure they will." I say smiling over at him. We then get our food on plates and we eat in my living room on my couch while we watch tv.

"My album comes out in 2 weeks, which means I'm going to have to do a ton of promo after. I don't want to leave you guys." I say looking down at my almost finished plate.

"I don't want you to leave either, but time will fly baby. I promise." He says leaning over to kiss my temple and I smile. We then finish eating and Max brings our dishes to the kitchen before he comes back in the living room. He brings me into his arms and I lay my head on his chest.

"I have to do Ellen the day my album comes out, so do you and Zara want to come? Ellen wants to meet you guys anyways." I say as Max rubs my back.

"Yeah, of course baby." He replies kissing the top of my head and I smile.

"Good, I was hoping you would say yes." I say laughing while looking up at him and he smiles and takes my face in his hand and brings me up to kiss him. I bring my hand up to his cheek and back around his neck and into his hair. The kiss soon turns heated when I ask Max for entrance by licking his bottom lip. He immediately opens his mouth and I readjust so I'm straddling him. Max slides his arms all the way around my waist and down to my ass. I moan into his mouth when he squeezes my ass and I rock my hips against his. I soon start to drift my kissing down his jaw and to his neck. I kiss and suck just below his jaw which I know will turn into a hickey later. Max brings his hands up under my shirt and rubs my back giving me chills. Max then lifts my shirt up and takes it off. Then he flips us over so he's on top and my back is laying on the couch.

"I love you so much." Max says as he kisses down my neck and starts sucking on my collar bone and I moan out loud.

"I love you too." I moan back then I bring my hands down his front and up his shirt to feel his abs. I then take off his shirt causing Max to pull away but he then crashed his lips back into mine and I moan in the kiss. Max brings his hands down to my pants and goes to take them off when we hear someone knocking on the door and my dogs start barking.

"Ugh." I say throwing my head back into the couch as Max groans and places his head in the crook of my neck. I run my fingers up Max's naked back hoping that whoever is at the door will just go away. However the knocking only gets louder.

"Oh my god!" I groan and Max chuckles then gets up from on top of me and hands me my shirt while he puts his on.

"I'm gonna go to your room." Max says and I furrow my brows.

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