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Demi's POV

I just pulled up to the studio and I quickly gather my hair in a messy bun before I get out of the car and then I walk into the studio. I go all the way to the back room where Max is and I open the door and quietly walk in. I see Max sitting on the couch as he nods his head to the music playing. I smile and walk up to him and run my hand over his shoulder when I get close enough. He opens his eyes and looks up at me and smiles.

"Hey baby." He says and I smile and bend down to peck his lips.

"Hi love." I reply then I say hi to the producer who is the only other person in here. I then sit down on the couch next to Max and lean back against it since my back was starting to bother me.

"You wanna hear what I have so far?" Max asks turning to look at me and I smile and nod.

"Mmhmm. I'm excited to hear everything." I say and he smiles and then the producer, Alex, starts playing the music. I smile and bring my hand up to Max's back and rub slightly as I listen to the music.

"It sounds amazing baby! I love it!" I say after about thirty minutes and Alex turns the music off.

"You like it?" He asks and I nod giving him a look like he's ridiculous for even asking that question.

"I loved it so much! Whoever your inspiration was is definitely a lucky person." I say smiling over at him and he chuckles.

"She is pretty amazing." He says and I laugh and sit up a little more.

"You're so cute." I say leaning in to kiss his cheek and I see him blush slightly causing me to giggle. "Alright, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I say standing up and Max nods and smiles.

"Alright baby." He says and I smile and walk out of the room and go down the hall towards the bathroom. I quickly use the restroom and then wash my hands before I walk out of the room. I feel someone grab my arm tightly pulling me back into a dark hallway and I gasp letting out a small scream. The person clamped their hand over my mouth causing me to freak out as tears fill my eyes.

"Remember me gorgeous." I hear a deep voice say and I wish I could see who this person was. This person starts to run their other hand down my body and I let my tears fall. I then bring my leg up and kick the guy right where the sun don't shine casing him to pull his hand away from my mouth as he crouches down. I try to scramble away but he grabs my arm and forces me back into the wall causing me to arch my back in pain.

"Who the hell are you!" I say and he clamps his hand over my mouth again.

"Aww, you don't remember me?" He says gripping my face hard and I let out a groan since I'm in pain. "Names Tony." He says and my eyes go wide. "Remember me now?" He asks with a chuckle and I bite his hand causing him to pull away and I punch him right in the face then I try to run past him again, but he grabs me by my arm once again and throws me against the wall then slaps me across the face. "Now you just pissed me off." He says and I let out a scream when he grabs my face and pushes me further into the wall.

"Please stop." I cry out since my stomach is starting to cramp up. However, he doesn't stop and he moves his hand back down my body and up my shirt causing me to cry out. Although he freezes when his hand lands on my stomach and I just continue crying just wanting everything to stop. He pulls away slightly and lifts my sweatshirt up and I try pushing him away.

"You're pregnant." He says and I don't answer him, instead I kick him once more in his leg then push him down to the ground and I immediately run around him and down the hall. I grab my stomach as I run since it's cramping up a lot and I'm terrified that something happened to the baby. I finally get to the room Max is in and I swing the door open and stumble in just as I fall to the ground in pain as I clutch my stomach.

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