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Demi's POV

The next day I went to my therapist and explained to her everything that had happened the previous day and how I didn't understand what exactly put me in that mood and for once, my therapist didn't either. Normally she can piece together what was going on in my mind to cause me to act out or feel a certain way as I talk, but for once, she said she didn't think it had anything to do with my bipolar. She said that I don't need my meds adjusted like I thought I did and that I might of just simply have had an off day. I was kind of relieved actually, but I was still curious as to what put me in that type of mood and act like a bitch to Max. Although, I tried to forget about it because I was fine the next day and maybe it was that I had just had a bad day. I explained everything to Max after we met up for lunch while my mom watched Zara and he listened to every word. He then suggested that maybe that the Tony guys weird vibe changed my mood and I thought maybe he was right. After that we didn't talk about it again since I presumed to be fine and I felt fine.

Today though is Monday, October 26th. A very important date that I will remember for the rest of my life. Today is the official court date to become Zara's legal mom and I am so excited. I woke up extremely early this morning practically bouncing off the walls due to me being so excited. Max eventually woke up when he heard me in the closet as I start steaming the dress I'm wearing and when I walk out into the room I see him smiling over at me while he has his head propped up in the palm of his hand as he lays on his side and I smile big.

"You're up early." He says simply with a smile after he looks at his phone to see it's 7 am. I chuckle slightly and walk over to him as he sits up in the bed and leans back against the headboard.

"I'm excited. I'll officially be Zara's mom today. I can't wait." I say giddy and he laughs and grabs my hand pulling me on the bed and I laugh as I fall into his lap.

"I'm excited too baby." He says bringing his hand up to my cheek and I smile and lean in to kiss him.

"We have to leave at 8:30, do you want to take a shower before Zara wakes up?" I ask coyly as I run my hand under his jaw and he smiles big.

"Mmm.. I would love to." He says and I smile and bring him in for one more kiss before I stand up and reach my hand out for him to grab. We then walk to the bathroom and I turn on the water as Max brushes his teeth and washes his face since I already did that earlier. I strip from the underwear and t shirt I was wearing before I walk into the shower. Max soon joins me and we definitely got a little distracted, but after we were done making love in the shower we washed each other and shared several more kisses. Eventually we made it out of the shower after the water ran cold and Max throws on a pair of sweat pants before he walks to Zara's room since she just woke up. I sit down at the vanity after I put on my robe and start my makeup, only to get distracted halfway in when Max walks in with a very happy Zara.

"Good morning my beautiful princess!" I say turning in my chair to kiss her when Max brings her over. She giggles and reaches her hands out for my face and I smile and laugh. Max then takes her to the bed and lays down with her while I continue with my makeup.

"Did she already eat?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I fed her in her room right now. Do you want me to go downstairs and make you anything?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I'm okay baby, I'll just eat a yogurt or something on our way to the court." I reply.

"You need more than a yogurt love. I'll go make you some oatmeal and toast and I'll bring it back up here so you can eat while you finish getting ready. I'll be back." He says kissing my cheek as he walks by with Zara and I nod.

"Thank you, I am kind of hungry." I say and he laughs.

"I'll be up in a few baby." He says walking out of the room with Zara. I finish up my makeup while listening to Zara babble and giggle downstairs as well as Max as he aimlessly talks to her or makes her laugh. By the time I finished my makeup, Max is back up with two bowls and a plate. He hands me one of the bowls and a piece of toast and I set it down on my vanity and I quickly eat as Max eats his oatmeal on the bed while holding Zara. She starts to reach for Max's spoon every time he lifts it to his mouth and I laugh.

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