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Max's POV

As we drove to the Zoo, I held Demi's hand on my lap while we listened to music and sang along. After about 30 minutes of driving we pull up to the Zoo and I parked the car.

"Ready baby?" I ask and she nods excitedly.

"Yeah!" She says and I chuckle at her excitement. We then get out of the car and I grab Zara's stroller from the trunk while Demi goes to open the back seat door where Zara is.

"Ready to see all the animals baby girl?" I hear her ask followed by a small giggle from Zara and I smile. I then make my way around and put the stroller right in front of the door where Demi is. Demi then takes her car seat out and clicks it into the stroller with Zara still buckled in. I then grab her diaper bag and pull out the baby sunscreen and I lotion her up with it so she doesn't get burnt. Once I'm done I put the sunscreen back in the diaper bag and put it at the bottom of the stroller. I then close the door and lock my car before we start walking towards the entrance of the Zoo. Demi pushes the stroller while I keep my hand at the small of her back. Once we get to the entrance I pull out my wallet to pay.

"Baby, let me pay." Demi says and I shake my head.

"Not happening love." I say smirking at her as she rolls her eyes and I laugh.

"How may I help you today?" The blonde says behind the counter.

"Just two adults and one infant." I say and she nods and types it into the computer.

"That will be $22.50" she says and I hand her my card then look down at Zara when she squeals. Both Demi and I chuckle.

"Excited princess?" I ask her and she smiles big.

"Here you go sir, enjoy!" She says handing me my card back and I nod.

"Thank you." I say placing my card in my wallet then Demi and I walk in. We start walking on the path and soon Zara starts to get restless so Demi unbuckles her and holds her in her arms instead while I push the stroller. The first animals we came across were the monkeys and Zara immediately giggles and smiles at them as they jump all around and I smile.

"Are they funny princess?" I ask kissing her forehead and she smiles at me.

"She loves it!" Demi says laughing while bouncing her slightly in her arms and I smile at them. We then continue walking around the whole zoo with Demi and I trading carrying Zara. About two hours later we went through the whole zoo and a few people recognized us, but luckily no one really bothered us and left us alone which we were both grateful for.

It was around 3 o'clock when we decided to leave. We start walking out of the zoo and as soon as we get to the exit we notice the massive amount of paparazzi. I hear Demi sigh and then she stops me.

"Let me put her back in the stroller baby." Demi says and I nod so we go around a corner and Demi places her down in the stroller and buckled her in. I smile at them and my smile grows even wider when Demi kisses her cheek before standing straight again. Demi then pushes her stroller while I stand at the side of her. Once we make it to the exit I place my hand on the small of her back.

"Demi! How's your day going?" "You look amazing!" "Are you guys getting married?" "Max who's the real mom?" The paparazzi ramble off questions. I roll my eyes at some of them, but we continue towards the car.

Once we make it to the car Demi gets Zara in the back seat while I put her stroller in the trunk. Once I'm done, I walk around to the passenger door and I open it for Demi. She smiles sweetly at me and gets in before I close the door then walk around to the other side with the paps still taking pictures and asking questions. As soon as I get in the car I turn it on and start the AC since it's pretty hot. I then start driving, trying to avoid the paps who are very close to the car. Once we make it out of the parking lot I place one hand on Demi's thigh.

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