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Demi's POV

Over the next several days of being in New York I did my interviews and FaceTimed with Max and Zara several times a day. On Friday I did 2 radio interviews, Andy Cohen and Elvis Duran, Saturday I did 'The View', Sunday was an off day then on Monday I did 'GMA' and 'The Today Show'. I was actually supposed to the 'The Today Show' on Tuesday morning and then fly home, but they changed it last minute to Monday afternoon and I was actually glad because then I could head home earlier then expected. I didn't tell Max that I was flying home early because I wanted to surprise him. I'm now in the car on the way to the airport when I FaceTime him.

"Hi baby." I say smiling sweetly at him when he answers.

"Hey babe!" He says slightly out of breath and that's when I notice he was sweating.

"Are you working out or something?" I ask and he nods as he drinks some water.

"Yeah, I actually just finished. So, you called at the perfect time." He says wiping his face with a towel and I smile.

"Good, I didn't want to interrupt." I say and he shakes his head.

"You could never interrupt me baby." He says and I blush slightly.

"Cute." I say and he smiles big. "Where's Zara?" I ask curious.

"Your mom actually came over a little while ago to spend time with her. So, I took the opportunity to work out in peace without her in her rocker right next to me." He says chuckling. "I think they're in the living room or something." He says walking out of the gym in his house.

"Let me say 'hi' to her." I say smiling and he nods and walks to the living room. Max then eventually flips the camera around so I can see Zara in my moms arms and I smile.

"Say 'hi' to mommy baby girl." Max says and she smiles.

"Hi princess! I miss you so much baby girl." I say and she smiles bigger at my voice. I talk to Zara and my mom for a few minutes and when I look up out the window of the car I notice how close we're getting to the airport and I didn't want Max to see that I was here.

"Baby, I have to go right now. I'm about to pull up to do an interview and the paps are crazy out here." I say lying causing Max to turn the camera back around to him and he smiles.

"Okay love, call me when your interview is over." He says and I nod.

"I will. I love you baby." I say smiling at him.

"I love you too! Say 'bye' to mommy Zara!" He says showing me Zara once more and she smiles.

"I love you baby girl! I love you too mom!" I say

"Love you too sweetheart." I hear my mom say and I smile. I then say my final goodbyes to Max before we hang up just in time for us to pull up to airport. I guess I wasn't really lying to Max about the paps being crazy because there is a lot of them at the airport. We all get out of the car and my security guard, Max, leads me through all the paps and through the airport. We all go through security and go back to the private area of the airport so I can get on my private plane through there. Once we get there the private plane still isn't ready so we wait in the waiting area. Luckily it was private so no one bothered us.

"Are you excited to get home Demi?" Scooter asks and I nod excitedly.

"Yeah! What time are we supposed to land?" I ask them.

"Around 8:30 pm so you'll get home probably at like 9 pm." He answers and I nod. I'm kind of bummed that I won't get to see Zara before she goes to bed, but at least I'll see Max. Zara actually started sleeping through the night last week which was a huge mile stone, so I won't see her til tomorrow morning.

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