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Time Skip: 2 months

Demi's POV

Over the last two months or so Max and I started the process of me adopting Zara. It was a lot of paperwork and meetings with lawyers, but due to Zara's real mom not being in the picture and not even signing the birth certificate when she was born, it made things a lot easier and move a lot faster. We now have all the paper work lined up and signed and we have our official court date next week. I was so excited to be becoming Zara's official and legal mom and my family was so excited as well. My sisters and mom were the most excited and were practically jumping up and down when we told them at my birthday lunch with them. They were even more excited when we told them that they could officially be Zara's aunts and grandparents. Max even told them that they always were even before we started the process of adoption and that definitely made my mom cry.

Zara is now 6 months old and she is growing rapidly. She now sits up on her own and can roll around both ways to get wherever she wants. Max and I have even caught her almost crawling the other day, but when she noticed we were looking and had our phones ready to record she stopped and rolled back onto her back and started laughing and playing with her feet. Now that Zara has become more mobile, the dogs enjoy running around her and playing with her and Zara absolutely loves it and thinks it's the most hilarious thing ever.

My team and I have been having meetings lately about a tour and as excited as I am to perform every night again, I am definitely going to miss Max and Zara. Max and I have talked about it and he has told me that he will fly out with Zara as often as he can since he's starting to work on an album of his own and is looking for more acting roles. At one of my latest meetings the other day, my team and I started setting dates for a tour. I will start November 3rd and I will go all around the US for three weeks then have a week break in between for Thanksgiving. I then will go out for three more weeks after that and come home on December 15th. I will spend the holidays at home, then I'm going to Europe for two weeks after New Years. Max and Zara are going to come with me for those two weeks so I'm thankful for that at least. That's all we have set for now, but I definitely want to make it down to South America since the last tour I went on I ended up having to cancel right before I got there when everything happened with my OD.

Today is October 20th which means Halloween is in a week and a half and I am so excited! It will be Max and I's first Halloween together as well as Zara's and best believe I'm dressing them both up. Max actually doesn't seem to mind and is enjoying me fussing over Halloween and his and Zara's costumes. Unlike a lot of my exes, he seems to enjoy my love for Halloween and is even trusting me with his costume. He told me that I can do whatever I want for his costume as long as I don't make him into a male stripper and we both got a good laugh out of that one. For Zara's costume she is going to be a giraffe. But really she's just wearing a black and brown tutu with a giraffe headband. Her costume is absolutely adorable and I can't wait for the day of Halloween so she can wear it. I've already seen if it fits her and it does, but I won't let Max see her costume because I want it to be a surprise. He actually hasn't seen his either, but he got a small glimpse of mine. He has yet to figure out any of the costumes though and I'm having fun letting him guess. Max and I are actually going to have a matching costume and I asked him if that was okay and he said it was and that he didn't mind. So, I picked out the costume of Peter Pan and Tinker bell. I got this idea actually when we were all watching tinker bell about a month ago and Zara seemed to absolutely love it. I'm going to wear a blonde wig since I don't want to dye my hair or anything. For Max's costume though, he's going to have to wear tights and I don't know how he's going to feel about that but, oh well.

Today, I'm with Zara at the house while Max is at the studio. I'm about to leave right now to meet him there and then we are going to my moms for dinner tonight. Apparently it's mandatory because there's a surprise and I have no idea what it is. My mom just told me to be there, so I'm going. I am currently getting Zara dressed on the bed and since she started rolling around more, that's all she does and it's starting to get more and more difficult to get her dressed or change her diaper.

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