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Demi's POV

The next morning I woke up around 8:30 so I get up and walk to the bathroom to do my morning routine which consisted of skin care and brushing my teeth and hair. Once I'm done I walk out of my room with Batman and Ella following and I go ahead and feed them once we make it to the kitchen. Then, I sit at the counter on a barstool and it's dead silent so I'm assuming Matthew and Sirah are still sleeping. I go on my phone and go on social media for a few minutes before I get up to make some coffee. As I sit back down and start drinking my coffee my phone goes off and I see I have a text message from an unknown number, but by the message I immediately know who it is and smile big and reply instantly.

Unknown: Hey, good morning beautiful!

Unknown: It's Max by the way, in case you didn't know😅

Demi🌹: Good morning! And yeah I figured it was you, glad you texted me😊

Max💛: I told you I would, didn't I? xx

Demi🌹: Yeah you did, just thought you would be like other guys and not text for days even if they were the one to ask for my number😂

Max💛: Well, you will come to realize is that I'm not like other guys. By me, you'll always be treated like the queen you are😘😘

Demi🌹: Godddd, you are so fucking sweet. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!🥺

Max💛: I can't wait either gorgeous xx

As I go to reply to Max's message I am interrupted by Sirah

"What has you all smiley this morning?" Sirah asks giving me a weird smile as Matthew follows behind her to get coffee.

"Nothing." I say smiling down at my hands

"Uh huh.. that is definitely not nothing" She responds and before I know it she takes my phone off the table in front of me.

"Sirah!" I shout trying to grab my phone but it's too late and she already is reading the messages between Max and I.

"You're talking to him? Oh my god! You're meeting up with him!?" She shouts and shows Matthew the messages.

"Oh my god guys, it's just a friendly thing to get to know each other." I say trying to get my phone back which I eventually do.

"That was not just friendly. You two were totally flirting! Oh my god I'm so excited for you! How did this happen?" Matthew asks and Sirah nods agreeing with big smiles on their faces. I blush slightly and look down.

"He just DMed me last night and we started talking and he asked for my number. We made plans to meet up so we can get to know each other and hang out. That's it." I say taking a sip of my coffee.

"Okay, whatever you say. But when you two get official, credit goes to me cause I was the one that brought your attention to him." Sirah says pointing at herself and I chuckle and shake my head but decide not to argue with her because it will be useless.

"Okay, whatever. You guys hungry?" I ask changing the subject.

"Yeah, I'll make breakfast. Don't want you two burning the place down" sirah says laughing and I roll my eyes still giggling. I then look down at my phone and realize I still didn't reply to Max so I type out a message back to him.

Demi🌹: Sorry, my friends spent the night last night and just walked in the kitchen and realized I was texting someone so the nosey people they are... they took my phone to try and figure out who was making me smile so hard at 8 am cause that never happens😂

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