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Time Skip: 1 month

Demi's POV:

Tomorrow we are leaving for New Jersey and right now I'm finishing up a meeting at my apartment with Scooter and Allison then I'm going to finish packing. Max and Zara should be here soon and they are going to spend the night then we will all head to the airport in the morning together.

"So we all agree on July 17th for the album release?" Allison asks typing in her computer.

"Yeah! I'm so fucking excited!" I say bouncing in my seat and Scooter and Allison laugh.

"Okay, we will talk about announcing it when you get back from your trip." Scooter says and I smile and nod. I then hear my door opening and I look over from my dining table to see my dogs rushing over and Max walks in holding Zara in her car seat and I smile. I gave Max a key a couple weeks ago because they're always here anyways and Max gave me a key to his place awhile ago as well.

"Hey baby!" I say and he smiles and walks towards me.

"Hi love." He says leaning down to peck my lips.

"Are you still having your meeting? I can go in your room until you're done." He says

"No it's fine. You can stay. I want to see Zara anyways." I say smiling at him then drifting my attention to the car seat to see Zara wide awake.

"Hi princess!" I say in a high pitched tone then I take her out of the car seat and cradle her in my arms. Max then sits in the chair next to me and we wrap up my meeting.

"Oh Demi! I just got the final pictures for you album cover. Do you want to see them?" Allison asks.

"Yeah!" I say excitedly and she turns the computer in my direction.

"Wow, you look incredible baby." Max says kissing my cheek and I smile and blush slightly.

"Thank you baby." I say and look at the rest of the pictures and I love how they all came out.

"They look amazing. Can you send them to me?" I ask Allison

"Yeah of course!" She says then turns the computer back in her direction then quickly sends me the pictures. I look down at Zara when I hear her start to coo and I smile big.

"Hi baby girl!" I say and she smiles "Awe look at that big smile." I continue leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"She is too cute you guys." Allison says

"Thank you, you wanna hold her?" I say and she immediately nods so I chuckle slightly then place Zara in Allison's awaiting arms. I then lean into Max as he wraps an arm around me. We then all talk for about 20 more minutes before we finish up and Allison and Scooter leave.

"Did you finish packing love?" Max asks me from the living room while he feeds Zara and I clean up my kitchen.

"No, I have to finish right now. Wanna help?" I ask making my way towards him smiling

"Yeah, sure. She's about to fall asleep right now anyways." He says and I smile at the two.

"I can't believe she's two months old already." I say sitting down next to them.

"I know it blows my mind. She's getting so animated and developing a personality." He says leaning down to kiss her forehead. We then talk for several more minutes before Zara finishes her bottle and falls asleep.

"Come on we can put her in her room." I say standing up and leading them to Zara's room that I finished a couple weeks ago.

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