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Time Skip: 3 weeks

Demi's POV

It's been a few weeks since Valentine's Day and today is March 5th. Max and I's one year anniversary is in a couple days and I'm so excited, even more excited because my doctor said I can go home today as long as I stay in bed. My doctor basically wants me to do the same thing I was doing at the hospital except I'll be at home. I'm okay with that though, because I went almost a month in the hospital without falling asleep with Max next to me or putting Zara to bed every night and I definitely missed it. Max is on his way to come pick me up right now to take me home and I can't wait to be in the comfort of my own home.

I am now 6 months pregnant and baby boy is doing amazing. He has grown a lot and I feel him fluttering a lot inside my stomach. It still isn't strong enough for anyone to feel on the outside, but I'm sure soon we will. Zara's birthday is next month and I am also excited for that. Max and I started planning her party while I was in the hospital and we are going with a small party in our backyard and have the pool open. We didn't want to do anything big or extravagant since Zara won't even remember it and also because of my condition and the strict orders of taking it easy.

I am now in the bathroom changing and halfway through I hear my room door opened followed by Max's voice.

"Where are you baby?" He asks and I smile.

"Bathroom." I answer and soon he walks into the bathroom as I'm finishing getting dressed.

"Hi beautiful, you excited to go home today?" Max asks me as he looks at me through the mirror and I nod excitedly as I turn to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"So excited, where's Zara?" I ask looking up at him as he wraps his arms around my back and rubs slightly.

"At home with your mom." He replies then leans down to kiss me. "You all ready?" He then asks once we pull away and I nod.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for my doctor to bring in the discharge papers." I answer then we pull away and walk back into my room. I sit down on my bed as I grab my shoes and start putting them on.

"Good, we've missed you at home." Max says sitting next to me and I smile.

"I've missed being home. I just hope everything stays the way it is when I get home." I say sighing.

"I'm sure if you listen to the doctors orders then it will. You've been off the machines here for a couple weeks and everything has been fine. So let's continue doing what you were doing here, at home. Okay baby?" He says caressing my thigh and I nod.

"Okay." I say taking a deep breath and just then the doctor walks in with my discharge papers.

"I'm sending you home, but you really need to listen and follow what I tell you okay?" He says as I sign the papers and I nod. "No heavy lifting, no working out, stay in bed as much as possible, and no sexual inter course until you're at least 35 weeks pregnant. We want to keep your little baby in there as long as possible." The doctor tells me and I nod and give him the signed papers.

"Okay." I say.

"Alright, you guys are free to go then. If anything happens don't hesitate to call or come back in." The doctor says and I smile. "The nurse will be in here right now with a wheel chair." He continues.

"Okay, thank you." I say and he nods and walks out. "I don't want a wheel chair." I pout and Max chuckles and stands up in front of me.

"It's probably their protocol baby. Don't worry about it though, I'm parked in the back anyways. No one will see you." He says bringing his hand up to my cheek and I smile.

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