↞ Chapter Two ↠

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Season Four, Episode Three

Danny and I weren't successful at first. No one had any leads, and he wasn't able to get any information from any of his confidential informants, and since I didn't have any at the moment, I wasn't much help either.

When we actually did find out who the man was, Raul Delgado, we were quickly disappointed to find that he worked for the FBI, and rarely would the FBI give any form of information to the police. As proven by the FBI headquarters in Manhattan, which would barely let us in the front doors, and the moment they heard why we were there Delgado's handler clammed up.

Danny had left hours ago to hunt for dinner, though he had also planned to make a pass at his sister, to see if he could get her on our side. Maybe someone as powerful as the Assistant District Attorney could gain some sway with the FBI. I had planned to stay until end of shift, and maybe even later, given the fact that Jameson had a late tour tonight and wouldn't be home when I was.

Plans, of course, change and just as it reached eight o'clock I got an offer of a nightcap from Frank, and I drove over, with Kenai in toe.

"Hey Frank." I said it with a smile as I approached the bar, "Are you buying?"

Frank nodded as he held his hand out to me to shake. I tensed, recognizing the more official persona that he was taking rather than the usual old-friend demeanor. He waved to the bar keep and ordering for me. "Ginger ale, wedge of lime."

"Interesting choice," I muttered as I took a seat next to him, Kenai took a seat between the two of us, setting her head on Frank's leg. I watched her interact with him, noticing how Frank took comfort in scratching at the top of her head.

"You might want to go back to work after this." Frank muttered, pushing the drink and coaster towards me before taking a sip of his own.

I nodded, taking a sip from the glass before speaking, a slight edge of questioning to my voice, though I would of course do as he recommended. "I just came off a twelve hour, but alright boss."

"What's the case?" Frank asked, even though I could almost guarantee that the reason he asked me here was to talk to me about my case, but I humored him.

"The hit in Washington Heights we were given yesterday. I got a suspect whose last known address is five years old, no cell phone and no family." I replied, wincing at the taste of ginger ale. It was definitely not my favorite, but I wouldn't complain.

"Raul Delgado." Frank supplied, and I just nodded.

I was right in assuming that Frank new who it was, and felt the sudden need to ask about his previous charges. "Yeah, how did this guy get a pass on murder?" I had not been in the city at the time, though I was almost sure that Raul's final sentence was a debated topic.

Frank sighed, and I could see he was just as disappointed as I was that Delgado was getting away with not only this case, but the previous one as well. "He's been feeding the Feds intel on a drug organization they think funnels money to an overseas terror cell."

I asked why they 'think' he does, and while Frank was higher up than me, much higher up, I knew that he didn't have much more information than I did.

"They're not real big on sharing the particulars."

I nodded, guessing the outcome of this conversation. "Then we should back off." I muttered, feeling rather disappointed.

Frank just hummed, acting non-confrontational while I took  another sip of my ginger ale. "His last known associate's a guy named Juan Lopez, doing time in Otisville for armed robbery."

I smiled, "Thank you Frank." I felt comfort in knowing that Frank trusted me enough to share this bit of information with me, despite how under the table it all appeared.

"You'll need to figure out how you know that." Frank said, looking over at me as he sipped at his own drink. I nodded in response, before starting to stand to leave. Frank spoke again, "Did Jamie tell you what happened?"

I shook my head, "I haven't seen him since last night." I didn't move to sit back down again, but I paused, letting Frank choose whether or not he would share this information with me.

Frank sighed, "Car accident. Woman and her son trapped inside. Jamie pulled the boy free, and when command arrived on scene, Jamie defied a direct order. Road to the hospital with the boy rather than staying on scene."

I felt a swell of pride, though it was marred by the fact that he had disobeyed the direct order. "Most in his place would have done the same," I shook my head, "Hell Frank, I would of done the same, and so would you."

Frank just nodded, patting the table lightly in a way of enunciating what he was saying, "And off the record, I agree with you, and him. He's the kind of officer that I want in my police force. But I couldn't give him a pass, he disobeyed a direct order."

"And at the same time, I agree with you there." I chuckled, noticing how Frank found comfort in the support of me. "He's a stubborn one, but I love him for it."

Frank turned to look at me, "I'm glad to hear that."

"Which part?" I motioned in the air as if I were pointing at specific parts of my sentence. "The stubborn part or the love part?"

"Both." Frank chuckled. "I'm glad my son has someone like you."

I blushed despite the setting, smiling brightly and feeling happy to hear him say that. It's always encouraging to hear your boyfriends father say he likes you for his son.

"Thank you Frank." I smiled, before straightening my back and taking on a more official tone. "I've got to go, thank you for the information Commissioner, and I will see you Sunday for dinner."

I pat his shoulder as I walk away, Kenai followed me out without a command as I pulled my phone from my pocket, dialing the prison and asking to be put through to Juan Lopez.

It took a long time to convince him to speak to me, but in the end he promised he would, as long as I waited until tomorrow to do it. It was a strange amount of compliance from a convicted criminal but I wouldn't complain.

It meant I could go home, for at least a few hours, which would let me get in a decent amount of sleep before coming back, and while originally Jameson would not have been there because of his tour, the new information that Frank provided led me to believe (and hope) that he would be. 

It was all coming together, in a way.

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