↞ Chapter Thirteen ↠

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Season Four, Episode Nineteen

The professor lived with his wife on the campus, in the teachers buildings. Which was just a fancy way of saying they had their own flat, on their own floor, in a building full of like minded people, that was mostly paid for by the college. The wife was kind, and Danny did most of the talking, seeming to have broken out of whatever slump he was in as he handled the nearly hysterical wife relatively well.

I stood in the back, wives are not my strong suit, and half way through I received a call, from Frank Reagan himself, and you can't really not answer a call from the Police Commissioner while working his streets.

"Gimme a mo'," I muttered into the phone, waving my hand to catch Danny's attention before I left the room. "Right, sorry boss, what can I help you with?"

"This is just a friendly call to see how my son's-" Frank paused, and I smiled, realizing what caused his falter in his words. "Boyfriend is doing." He finally said.

The creak of his chair sounded, and I knew for a fact that he was in his office. Which instantly wrote of the tone of the call as business, rather than the 'friendly call' that he was trying to pass this over as.

"I'm alright, Danny and I caught a case, a bit of an odd one." I paused, listening closely to the words spoken on the other side of the door to be sure that they hadn't finished speaking. "I get to meet one of Jameson's old roommates tonight, from his Harvard days."

"Your busy." Frank muttered dejectedly, before clearing his throat. I could picture the face he was making, he made it often enough at the dinner table.

"Not if you need help." It was an offer that stood for any member of the family. "Besides, the roommate'll be in town for a few days. We can go for drinks tomorrow."

I felt odd saying it. Tonight was going to be just a bit more than meeting his old roommate, I was also going to meet his new partner. We hadn't had the chance to meet yet, but we could postpone, I could meet Janko any time.

"I need to pick your ear about something." Frank said, and I nodded though he couldn't see me. "Antico's at seven?"

"How about six?" I offered, glancing once again to the muted conversation on the other side of the door. "Something tells me I won't get a break today."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, I haven't heard your problem." I chuckled as I said it, before saying my goodbye's and giving him the chance to hang up. I pulled my phone away from my ear, starting to text Jameson, before stopping myself and dialing his number instead.

He picked up on the third ring. "Jett?"

"Hey my love." I smiled without meaning too, the sound of Jameson's voice made me happy. "I've got to take a rain check love, your dad's called and asked for me to go to dinner tonight. He sounds stressed so I said yes. I'm so-"

"Don't apologize." Jameson interrupted, and I bit back another apology as he continued. "It's alright, I'll just be home a bit late after drinks."


Every time he called my flat home, or our flat, it made me smile. "Alright my love, just let me know if plans change."

"I love you, and I'll see you at home later."

"I love you too."

I felt strange walking back into the room with Danny and the grieving wife, so rather I leaned up against the door frame and started sending data to the IT woman at the precinct. She was more than willing to take a look at anything I asked which gave Danny and I a leg up for when we got back to the precinct.

"You ready to go partner?" Danny's voice didn't startle me this time, and I nodded as a reply.

I pushed myself off of the door frame, and started down the hallway with sure steps and Danny only a few steps behind. I still felt bad that I couldn't go with Jameson for drinks, but I'd make up for it later tonight hopefully.

"Are you really going to propose?" Danny asked as soon as we stepped into the open air.

I smile, "I didn't think you were listening." I replied easily, picking up the pace under the guise of being unaware of how much time we had left on the meter. I got to the car first, and as Danny approached I tossed the keys to him as I slide into the passenger seat.

"You got a ring yet?" Danny asked as he put the car in drive and pulled onto the road. I made a face though Danny couldn't see it before verbally replying.

"Not yet," I smiled to myself, feeling anxious about proposing even though I hadn't done it yet. "I just never thought I'd have this you know?"

I looked over at Danny as I spoke, watching the smile form of his face. "You deserve it, both of you do." He glanced over at me as we stopped at a red light. "And it'll be good to have another cop on my side at the table."

"No no no, I play Switzerland."

Danny's eyebrows furrowed, and it was almost like I could see the screws turning in his head. "Oh!" He suddenly shouted, laughing loudly as he realized what I had meant.

I shook my head at his slow realization before joining in in his laughter.

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